A way long over due thank you is in order to Jessica Rowshandel, director of social services for the SLE Lupus Foundation in NYC. She featured "The Spoon Theory" when answering a question for her bi monthly column "Ask Jessica". The question was about telling family and friends about lupus and havin
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I am a competitive person by nature. It isn’t limited to fundraising or professional performance…I’m even competitive with myself. “It took me 15 minutes to blow dry my hair yesterday? I bet I could do it in 10 today!” It’s just the way I’m hardwired. So when I started setting up the a
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One positive for me about living gluten-free is that the temptation of many calorie loaded dessert type treats is eliminated unless someone goes out of their way to bake or buy me a special gluten-free dessert. One negative for my almost 10 year old daughter eating gluten free, is that she is exclud
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Many of us dream about seeing the world via the roads less taken. Now imagine seeing the world while on tour with a rock band. It's a combination that's compelling, and those of us who cannot do so ourselves get to experience it vicariously through the book "Roadshow".
Neil Peart is the drummer a
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A lot has changed in the 14 years since I first got sick. I've gotten diagnoses, lost diagnoses, lost old friends, gained new ones, given up on old dreams and discovered new plans for the future. However, even though the years since diagnosis have been uncertain and will likely continue to be that w
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The list below are toll free phone numbers for health information (US, unless stated otherwise). This alphabetical list might help you in your quest for more disease specific medical information.
1-800-Toll Free Numbers for Health Information
Al-Anon/Alateen World Service Office Headquarters,
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Is there anything better than an unexpected find?? How about one that is affordable and packs a nutritional punch too? This is just what I found recently when strolling through the food aisles searching for a few staples in my tiny local Wal-Mart.
I am always willing to try a new cracker, esp
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Helpful Medical Abbreviations
On the message boards, our Facebook Fan Page, reading our main site/ online magazine, or in day to day conversations, you may find that people use many abbreviations when talking about a diagnosis, a medication or other phrases. This alphabetical list might help yo
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When one hears Kama Sutra Massage oil, one might think of hot monkey love. Not me. I think ahh soft hands and feet and relief to my reptilian scaly dry skin.
I have Scleroderma and my most severe symptom since 1992 had been Raynaud's. Raynaud's causes the sympathetic nerves surrounding blood vess
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Recently, I needed some physical therapy. I had a torn core muscle, nothing too serious. The Physical Therapist asked me, “So, you’re young and healthy, right?” Um, NO. I handed him my large excel spreadsheet that I have with me at all times listing my medications, conditions, hospitalization
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