Please Don't Ask My Dad About Lupus! The Answer Might Involve Jello.

Please Don’t Ask My Dad About Lupus! The Answer Might Involve Jello.

If you ask my dad about Lupus he will give you a very seemingly odd answer.  He will always say “Getting a grip on Lupus is like trying to tie up Jello with a string” Most people laugh, look confused, or even attempt to think of how one would even begin to tie up Jello with a string.  It's one

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Look Out World... I'm Back In The Saddle Again!

Look Out World… I’m Back In The Saddle Again!

A few years ago I got thrown from my horse. OK, who am I kidding? I am a Brooklyn girl at heart, no horses for me. But literally I felt like I had, if not been thrown from my horse, I was certainly thrown off my game. Life kept throwing me obstacles and I found it harder and harder to get around the

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No Rhyme or Reason. I have done all I can do.

No Rhyme or Reason. I have done all I can do.

What to do when you have done everything, and still feel like crap. There are days when I feel really crappy. Maybe I didn’t take my meds on time or I overdid the day before. What I really hate is when I seem to have done everything right and I still feel so wrong. The other day the weather was

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Choosing To Live My Life Transparently

Choosing To Live My Life Transparently

I have been working at living my life transparently. To live my life transparently means that I live my life openly, that I share what I’m going through, my ups and downs, my successes and failures, my struggles and disappointments as well as my successes and happy moments. To live my life transpa

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I Forgot

I Forgot

Oops, I forgot. For a few moments or what stretched out to a few hours, I thought I was living the life of a normal person. Who was I kidding though, forgetting that living with an auto-immune disease could ever really be normal? Thinking that I had some unlimited source of energy enough to tackle a

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The High Price of Understanding

The High Price of Understanding

Remember when I was thankful my brother didn’t get my illnesses? He’s beginning to get it. After Justin graduated college in May, he moved back in with my parents until he could tie up loose ends and leave the area. My parents live on a lake, so Justin was enjoying a great summer. Until

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Letting The World Turn Without You...

Letting The World Turn Without You…

The hardest lesson I've had to learn in living with chronic illnesss is that I can't do it all. I'm a overachiever by nature. I want to do it all, have it all, see it all, be the girl who never says no. Letting people down, and of course, myself down, was the horror that I feared more than anything.

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The University of BYDLS

The University of BYDLS

I recently started dating a new guy--we'll call him "T". He’s going to a local university for his Master's in Industrial Engineering. He's from India, where he did his undergrad work. Our first date was spent talking of current events, religions, cultural differences, and politics. I always hold m

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Walking The Line

Walking The Line

Lines are funny things. You either cross a line or not. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. They can be sharp or fuzzy and can keep you going on the right path. The wrong line can appear to be the right way but lead you to a dead end or detour. What does all this line talk h

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It's No Big Deal?

It’s No Big Deal?

Lately I’ve been getting the impression from some of my friends that maybe my growing list of chronic illnesses is no big deal. No one is actually coming out and saying these words, but that is definitely the feeling I’m getting. This point could be debatable. Maybe they think that. Maybe I’m

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