Product Review: Sugar Please Automatic Sugar Dispenser

Whoever thought of this great new gadget must have been sitting next to me at the diner, whenever I angrily rip open one of those sugar packets. Either I tear it and sugar flies everywhere, or I can't get the darn things open at all. Even worse than those packets, are those huge glass jars with th

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Product Review: X nite lite

I hate the dark. I know I should get over this seemingly childish fear, but it lingers. I have always hated the dark, but as I got older and had to deal with the "unsteadiness" that accompanies the myriad of illnesses I face, my fear of the dark began to be grounded in reason. I am not ashamed. I

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Product Review: GorillaPod Digital Camera “hand”

Don't you hate when you want a group photo and can't find anyone to take the picture? Or when your own hands shake so much that you get back from vacation with only blurry pictures? This flexible tripod wraps itself around almost anything, to hold a camera steady for great photos. The gorillapod f

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