ButYouDontLookSick.com wins bronze award in Best Patient Blog in the 2010 Dose of Digital Dosie Awards


The Dosie awards were created to find the best examples of social media in pharma and healthcare. We were honored to be nominated in the best patient blog category. We would like to thank the readers of butyoudontlooksick.com for helping us win 3rd place by voting for ua. We appreciate your help. There were over 3,500 votes and over 50% of them were from patients like you!

The winners were announced at the BDI conference “Social Communications & Healthcare: Case Studies & Roundtables” in NYC to a packed house of about 350 (standing room only) people. Then emailed, tweeted, facebook posted etc to thousands more. Very exciting!

  • Dottie Balin

    Bravo, Christine !!! You truly deserve this award. Thanks you so much for your dedication to this web site and to all of your ventures in the future. Your hard work shows and you must be congratulated. Keep up the good work and my wish for you is to have many ” Spoons .”


  • Jeanine cox

    congrats! your hard work and dedication have touched millions.

    well done!