Product Review: The Handy Burpee TM


The Handy Burpee TM is a wonderfully unique mom-invented burp cloth, which puts an end to ever having to hunt for your burp cloth again and also saves your hands from getting spit up on. I liked this product right away for two
reasons. The first being, it supported a work at home mom, which to me is always a good thing. Secondly, I know many people including myself who have skin sensitivities, and this product addresses that issue.

Due to Sjogren’s Syndrome, I have very sensitive hands, that do not react well to being washed constantly. I need to be careful with lotions and soaps.
Many moms I know, who have the same sensitive type skin that I have, have a hard time washing their hands constantly when babies spit up. This product puts an end to that problem. This product slides easily onto your hand, as you bottle feed, breast feed, or hold your baby. It is never “in the way” and is always ready and right there. Along with all of that, it also protects the baby from wearing their own spit-up on their cute clothes. It seems like a simple invention but when holding a baby, a blanket, a burp cloth, and a bottle… there never seems to be enough hands! Seeing as we only have two hands- the handy burpee has made it easier on both of them.

Each Burpee is made of 100% cotton/flannel, unless there is a custom order. Burpees are machine washable and are priced affordably at $8.99 each, so they would make a great gift for yourself, or any new mom in your life.
Get your Handy Burpee at
Review written by Christine Miserandino,