Product Review: Baby Safety ID Products


As a proud and excited new grandma, I have recently been on the lookout for any products that will keep my little one safe. Chicks & Cubs is a home based business run by a mother who knows a good product when she sees one.

Unfortunately in the world we live in now, there seem to be more dangers than ever and as parents and caregivers we want to do everything and anything to keep our loved ones safe.. For my precious granddaughter, I got the ID inside bracelet and the shoe stickers. The identification wristband has a place to put important contact information for your child, as do the stickers, which go inside their shoes. These are just two simple products to try and ensure the safety of your child.
Chicks & Cubs also features other great ideas for children, like baby shoe bronzing, keepsake boxes and slings. If you are a new parent or grandparent or need a baby gift, check out:
© 2006 by Janet Pope,