ButYouDontLookSick.com Top Ten Most Popular Articles


I know it is easy to only read and focus on the stories and articles that are featured on the front page of our site, but sometimes it is good to take a look back. I would like to take this opportunity to re- introduce you to some of our most popular articles on butyoudontlooksick.com. I decided what was most popular by click count and my reader feedback. (Please note that I focused on articles and essays this time around, and did not include reviews from our directory of product, service, book, movie, and website reviews.)
If the following articles are new to you, I hope you enjoy them! If you read them when they were originally posted, I encourage you to take this opportunity to revisit the articles. Every day is an opportunity to learn something new.

So, without further adieu, (drum roll please) the ButYouDontLookSick.com Top Ten most Popular Articles:
1. The Spoon Theory
This essay is where it all started. The Spoon Theory is very close to my heart. I just wanted people to understand what it felt like to make choices every day based on your health. It was a hard feeling to convey and using spoons helped me. This essay is where my love of writing started, where this website started and why everyone you know is “counting spoons”!
2. Preparing for a Doctors Visit
Going to a doctor’s visit can be overwhelming for anyone, but when you are sick you may be dealing with many conflicting symptoms, or lists of medications and most important tons of questions! This article is meant to help you get organized and make the most of your time and your doctor’s.
3. Tips for Traveling with a Chronic Illness
What is one of the most stressful things to do during the summer or holidays? Travel!!! Most of us have more than one place to be this season, whether it’s traveling between in-laws or traveling between family members, it’s still the
stress of having to pack up the car and the kids and traveling as long as hours on end. Here are a few tips for traveling with a chronic illness and then traveling with kids! Both are hard and then combine the two and it can even seem impossible.
4. 10 Tips for Visiting Someone Who is Sick (*parts of this article was featured on the cnn.com blog)
I have unfortunately been on both sides of this article. I have spent time visiting friends and family when they have been sick, but I have more often been the patient everyone is visiting. Many of the visits went very well, but unfortunately others didn’t go so well for them or me. Hopefully my mistakes or my tips from experience will help you.
5. What to Do When You Are Waiting to See The Doctor
My infamous “Waiting Bag” article- Since I unfortunately spend allot of time in doctors’ waiting rooms, I quickly learned to make the most of this seemingly wasted time. Learn what to pack in your bag to bring with you to make these visits more comfortable and productive!
6. How to Make a Wheat Heating Pad
We have all seen those microwave heating pads selling in the stores for big bucks, and I always thought “Boy I wish I knew how to make one” They look so easy to make. So my new friend Wendy gave me the “directions” and it is easy enough to do and so helpful to those of us who get cold easily or have sore muscles.
7. Happy New Year – The 1 Word Essay
I feel that it is easier to focus on one word, one goal or one “theme”, rather than a list of different tasks. I found
it overwhelming to make a list, but one word was attainable. I have tried to pick a word that covers a variety of areas in my life that could be better. One word was also easier to remember, whether it was with post it notes, or a screensaver on my computer, or even as a daily easy mantra.
8. A Mother’s View (Essay written by my mother Janet)
This is a view from the other side of the “spoon”, so to speak. Having a child means worrying your whole life about their happiness. Having a child with a chronic illness means worrying about grades, dating and makeup; but also about pain, medical tests and future prognosis…
9. A Lesson in Adapting from my Dog
I learned a few lessons in the past few years about “adapting” and believe it or not I learned some of it from walking my dog. A very long story short– my puppy broke his little leg when I first got him. Now you would look at him and never know the difference. He jumps, walks, licks and runs. He likes to be cuddled, and he loves beyond measure.
10. The Birthday Blues
I know that turning 29 is not a tragedy, but there was something about turning this very specific number that no one else seemed to understand. I tried to vocalize it, but I got the typical responses of “well at least you’re not thirty”, or “You’re so young, what’s the fuss!?” I just smiled, said nothing, and knew that they didn’t understand.
© 2008, butyoudontlooksick.com
Do you have some favorite butyoudontlooksick.com articles that are not listed here. Post them in the comments below. Do you have a favorite staff writer? — Let us know!

  • Kreativ Blogger Award

    I am touched that two terrific blogs passed on the Kreativ Blogger Award to me —

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    Now, we all know stepping in a puddle does not cause a cold!
    But I still have patients who think they got sick by not wearing a jacket or forgetting an umbrella!
    Want some real information on colds?
    Check out this week’s edition of Grand Rounds over at

  • Grand Rounds 4.18

    Grand Rounds 4.18 is up this week at “But You Don’t Look Sick.” Grand Rounds is the weekly collection of the best posts from around the medical blogosphere.