Support I’m a Spoonie! add a #spoonie twibbon to your avatar/ profile now! – OVER 10,000 people have – join us!


Do you have a profile picture, icon, or “avatar” that you use on facebook or twitter, etc. Support I’m a Spoonie! add a #spoonie twibbon to your avatar now! People have seen others on facebook and twitter with the spoon on their pics and it is SO easy to do! So many have asked me how! Join over 10,000 readers and add one to your! just click:

Join in the fun!

  • Diane Kelly

    I have lived with RA for 13 years. I will continue to support all the spoonies out there!

  • I just discovered what SPOONIE means. I am 1! I have RA & am so sick of people hearing arthritis & thinking it’s just your everyday aches and pains! It’s not! I also suffer from clinical depression & needs lots of sleep here lately. I am proud to say that I now know what it means & will tell everyone!

  • I want to add a spoon to my Facebook but I don’t have a Twitter account? How can I do this without signing up for Twitter?

  • Thanks

  • Debbiew2277

    I’ve just read the spoon.  Thank you so much for sharing.  I would love to give a copy to my family and friends.  How can I do that legally?

  • Sarah Hulcy

    I have “invisible” nerve damage in my fingers, arms and shoulders and now PAD in my legs.  This is the first time I have ever run across something that would work so people could maybe understand why I can’t just run around and do all the things I used to.  Boy do I understand the “having to slow down and not do ‘everything'” idea!  Thanks!

  • Nekura

    My mom actually kept a FREE wheel chair from me when I asked for one. Said I complained too much, I didn’t need it. Internet friends bought me one for my birthday that I’ll keep with me. I have IC and painful Pelvic Floor Dysfunction set off by changes in air pressure. Any time there is a cold front I hurt very bad. I need a wheel chair with a heating pad there on there on those days if I MUST leave the house.. being a college, student, there are days I MUST leave the house.

    With summer coming I will look healthy and happy. Perhaps my PFD will even subside until my next IC attack. It could be a year, it could be 10 years, or it could be never, but it’ll always be over my head. Even if I don’t use that wheelchair it is a huge sense of security for me. IMO every house should have one on backup. Also, my friends got it for very cheap. Not quite free like my mom could have, but cheap, and I’m glad.

  • Penny

    Never mind, I figured it out! 🙂 – sorry!

  • Penny

    How do I add a spoon to my profile pic on facebook?

  • I am a spoonie that has shared the spoonie story so that others can understand, why I become exausted but look like nothing is wrong with me.

  • Virginia

    I have been a ‘spoonie’ for some years. My avatars have often worn changing color ribbons and/or spoons. The Spoon Story has circulated among my friends & family for many years, as I endeavor to educate others about ‘silent’ chronic disorders. I am dx’d Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS, now SPMS), Bi-Polar & Diabetes. For 30+ years I hid my MS dx. I was a consummate actress in the portrayal of a healthy wife, mother & professional. Even my husband was not fully aware of just how difficult my day-to-day existence was. With the progression of this ‘MonsterSilence’ (nearly full-time cane usage & part-time wheelchair), more people acknowledge that there is something to some of this, at least.
    However, I was recently taken aback by the wife of a fellow MS’er with whom I was conversing from my wheelchair in a crowded store. (I often stumble in conversation, searching for words, other cog fog issues. This occasion was no exception.) As we were saying goodbye & her husband had rolled away, she smiled brightly and said, ‘Well, at least you don’t look sick!’. I was dumbstruck!! WOW! Ignorance prevails. ;(
    Back to educating, I suppose. Alas, it is an ongoing struggle!

  • April

    I wish everyone would read this so they understand why I never can go do things normal people take for granted.


  • Suzie Whitt

    How do I remove the spoon? I didn’t position it and size it first…

  • I added it to twitter, part of the problem is that the twibbon obscures a small avatar to a very large degree.

  • Joy

    Thanks so much when I get down . I look at this page But you don’t look sick. I know that I am not alone struggling each day.

  • Joy

    I can not begin to express how the spoon therory has helped me. The questions I have had to answer why the spoon across my profile pics.

  • Thank you for building such a positive means of support for those lost in the shadows of invisible illness. I look forward to building a positive support system, in reality I have no one who understands. Each day I hear, “I don’t think your as sick as you say you are, you look fine to me”..

    Ulcerate Colitis diagnoses (2001)

    Rectal Prolapse (by 2002) worsening at current (2010)

    Failed Immune System (2002-2003) worsening (2010)

    Chronic MRSA infections (2004)

    Additional infection (2004)

    Terminal diagnosed (2004) progression has slowed but the label of death will always be on my head.

    Sex: Female
    Current Age: 27
    Location: Kentucky
    Help: none
    Support: absent

    Twitter: (mind the zeros)

  • Kate Smith

    I AM A Spoonie xxxxxxxx

  • Joy

    I have lupus also fibro. and djd and ddd.

  • Anita

    I am a spoonie! I can’t wait for someone to ask me what it means. I am ready to tell them all about it.

  • Ruth Shipley

    An incredible story! You really have conveyed, as much as possible, what it means to have lupus, or any of the many disabilities. You’ve done a great job of making me think more about those invisible disabilities and how many people suffer with them, often in silence. You’ve added to my understanding. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • Tammy

    I’m a spoonie too!

  • Laurie

    I am A Spoonie !!

    Thanks for being a sane voice for everyone who struggles !! 🙂

  • Apryl Lightcap

    Thank you!