Manny’s Spoon Presentation

I often receive requests to reprint The Spoon Theory in educational material, support group hand-outs, and health related newsletters. Recently, one request really grabbed my attention. A group of friends decided to honor a co-worker, recently diagnosed with cancer, by presenting him with a printed copy of The Spoon Theory, along with an engraved spoon.


Today, I was honored to receive a video of the presentation, and would like to share it with all of you.

Thank you to Scott Hurowitz for sending the video, and our prayers and thoughts are with Manny Hellstern. For those of you who are not familiar with The Spoon Theory, please click here.
To join us on youtube for other videos like this, click here and subsribe to our youtube channel or “friend” us.
Love and Spoons,
  • Manny Hellstern

    Hi, this is Manny. My wife just sent me this link and I have to say that I am amazed at the number of responses. To let everyone, I am still working and finishing up an Expat assignment in Singapore with my family, pets and all.
    To update everyone, I have had one tumor incident since the first surgery. It was discovered early and removed without complications.
    I’ve noticed that many who commented are also dealing with health issues and the only advise I can give is to not let it control you and to continue on living each day as if it were your last. My prayers go out to all of you!!!!!!!!!!

  • That was so touching. It was also nice to have it posted for all to see.
    Friendship, that can just make you feel so high. In the legal sense. There were people there who actually cared for Manny and showed him they care.
    These are what I call treasures…….God Bless you all!

  • Rose Fultz

    My son was kind enough to mention the spoon theory after I said how behind i am in my housework because my mom and her dog both required medical attention on 4 seperate days last week. I had nothing left for myself. It made me feel good that he is aware of how difficult life can be for me. Thank you Christopher! I love you

  • Aimie


  • Darlene

    Since reading the spoon theory about a year ago, I have lived by it and have a counselor who supports me in my attempts to get healthier and live as productive of a life as possible. I have fibro, CFS and a host of other letters in the alphabet and some days, it is an effort to just keep on keeping on.

  • Wonderful gesture, great video! it also brought tears to my eyes. I have fibromyalgia and I too live by the spoon theory. It has helped me accept and live with fibro.
    Thank you Christine for writing it. You are an inspiration. Thanks to all the good people that support other people that really need their support, may they be family, friends or coworkers.
    My best thoughts go to Manny. I hope everything is alright today.
    Spoons for all!

  • Cathy

    I should have known better than to watch this at work! I’m sitting at my desk trying to look professional with mascara streaming down my face! What wonderful friends he has!

  • Brenda Whiteway

    What a stunningly beautiful show of support! Christine, you must just be bursting to see your words have such an impact on so many, many people (me included!). My thoughts and prayers will be with Manny and his family, especially for the upcoming “Super Tuesday”. Please keep us updated on Manny’s progress, if you can, and thanks so much for sharing this heartwarming video.

  • Jen

    Great video, I too hope for nothing but good news for this guy.

    And how weird is it to be jealous of him because of all the support he’s getting? Jealous that he seems to still be working, seems to be able to get to work (even with less spoons than a healthy person).

    I’ve been sick for over 10 years and one by one friends have disappeared, gone on with their own lives while I can’t, while I am stuck on the couch, or worse – stuck in bed.

    It almost (but at the same time, also really not) seems easier to have cancer.

  • Teresa

    Brought many tears to my eyes, I hope he is well.

    I have Fibromyalgia and everyday is a struggle. Love this theory and I plan on using it.

  • Awww, that´s such a wonderful gesture! Brought tears to my eyes….

  • Excellent video, let’s support manny, we all can do it.

  • Dottie Balin

    What a great video ! It was wonderful to see how everyone supported Manny. Scott did a terrific presentation of your Spoon Theory. Very touching. Thank you for the inspiration and sharing this video. My prayers are with Manny.
    Dottie Balin

  • Celina

    wow, what a wonderful story and video. I was in tears because i live by the spoon theory everyday for the past 5yrs. I have Lupus and Behcets and raising three boys w/ a wonderful supportive husband.
    Good Luck to Manny and wish him and his family the best. And unfortunately it is something tragic to remind you the important things in life. Family and God the rest will fall into place.
    God Bless, Celina