Hellllllooooooo Monday!


Monday came earlier than I expected if you know what I mean. 🙂 I Wasn’t ready for the morning as the sun peaked in my window. I wanted to curl up under my covers and pretend I had “just one more hour”. But I know I would be asking for just one more hour of rest all day. For me, there is never enough rest.

I am starting to think that I want to start a morning ritual to help my day start better. It might be small like brushing my teeth and washing my face the same way every day, or something bigger like meditation… But I am looking to add routinue and ritual to my day. They say the mind and body thrive on that. It can’t hurt? I am always willing to try anything to feel better or make the most of my days.

What do you do to start your day?

  • springdarlene

    Mornings…..remember the old saying ” I don’t do mornings” well now I don’t do ” days “. I wake up everyday feeling like I haven’t even been in bed. Since it has been 10 years since I have been at work, I don’t have anywhere to be in the mornings but with my kids and even though they are teenagers, they and me, still like to see each other before school.

    I get out of bed everyday for my kids……but it is not pretty!!!

    I need my two cups of tea and if I catch the kids they will even make my second cup before they have to leave for the day and that really makes me feel good, they think of me too. Most importantly, I need to hear, “Bye, mommy, I love you and have a good day”. That keeps me going. Without them, I don’t even want to fathom.

  • I start my day with a hot cup of coffee followed by a brief session of yoga. That keeps me energized the rest of the day. Also I make it a point to go to bed early the previous night.

  • POlds

    I have to get my clothes and meds ready the night before; coffee set to go on @5:55am. I wake up anywhere from 1 to 3 am (thank you, menopause). My cell alarm is set and I repeatedly turn off until about 6:15. I try to watch the news for about 20 minutes, then start trying to cover up my wonderful rash. With all the peach, pink, white and green, I look like a VERY badly made up clown. At this point in time, most days I’m able to go to work. Thank God for that!! Of course I am writing this on a day that I was not able to make it to work, so it has taken me 30+ minutes to type this and make corrections over and over..

  • babs mason

    thanks for comment about pain meds. i take meds and feel guilty but nice to know someone else takes them just to function. also they just mute pain and not taking for thrill. hate taking them but it is necesarry evil to function. thank you for all your wonderful stories and comments. they give hope for having a more enduring attitude that you have. may god bless for your willingness to share your story

  • Harleyfairy

    Oh, I don’t brush my face lolI knew replying to this right after waking up wasn’t the brightest of ideas lol
    Hello there brain fog, glad to see you still haven’t left my side.

  • Harleyfairy

    I start with a (what seems like thirteen hour) climb up the stairs to the bathroom lol, potty break, and washing up…then brush my teeth and face and apply my day facial cream. Usually by that point I’m too exhausted for anything else and go back down the stairs to feed my dog her breakfast and then lay down on the couch.

  • Lauraednalacey

    If i don’t have to be anywhere too early, i start my day with a glass of juice, then some prayer, yoga and meditation. I really really love these things –they get me excited to get out of bed! Especially the yoga –it gives me a lot of joy, and really really helps with the health problems i have been struggling with for almost 8 years. If you are interested in doing yoga and have health problems, you might want to do some research. Some styles of yoga are very athletic and fast-moving –not everyone can do them. Iyengar-based yoga is a lot more slow-moving, gentle, and uses a lot of props to modify poses so people of all fitness levels can do them. Restorative yoga is a lot of lying around on pillows, breathing and meditating, with the body propped into certain positions that help the breath and energy flow. It really really is amazing how these simple positions can turn an exhausted, sick, pain-filled body into a happy and more energetic one, in just an hour. My own health and energy are very up and down, so some days i love jumping around in the very athletic poses, other times i do only restorative yoga for weeks at a time. However i’m feeling at the beginning of a yoga practice or class, i always feel better after, emotionally and physically. If i’m feeling rotten when i start, i will at least feel less rotten after, or maybe even good. If i’m feeling good when i start, i am guaranteed to feel GREAT after!

  • MelanieBlau

    For me it helps to turn the news on on the TV and start checking various things online. It helps me to remember that people in the “outside world” have a lot going on, and I am not completely disconnected from it. Makes me more likely to actually want to try and join life outside of my bedroom that day, even if it is just to run a quick errand or go to a medical/psychiatric appointment.

  • Beth LK

    I too want to do this. I thought about meditating but I don’t dare do it early or I know I would fall asleep. How embarrassing would that be? “Um excuse me God, I am just really tired”. 😉  Just remember “they” (yeah I know lol) say to train your mind you need to do something for 21 days in a row for your brain to feel that the new behavior is normal.

  • I have a routine (I am a bit ocd) the night before I hand my clothes for the next day on the outside of my closet.  I pick out my earrings and bar and panties.  In the morning, I ether get right out of bed or have to sit on the side until the lightead and greenish tint goes away.  I don’t share the master bath w/my dh..I use the guest one right outside of my door.  I do everything the exact same way and order every day..putting everything back in place as I use it (even down to the order I lay out my makeup to use).  Then I put on my shoes and walk downstairs, trying to judge if I need a cane or if the one at work will suffice.  Get a bottle of water and leave for work.  I don’t eat of a morning cause my IBS makes me nauseous.  I wait until I get to work to take any pills for pain after eating a fiberone bar.  Unfortunately I am resistant to pain pills (put it this way w/3 fexrill, 3 tramadol and a vicodin, I still function and normal, just w/the pain muted.

  • FollowHimFaithfully

    I like to start the day with quiet time in prayer followed by a relaxing cup of tea in a sunny spot. I find the warmth of the sun coupled with the warmth of the Son puts me in a much better place to start my day. I especially like the quiet of the house before the day’s activities begin. My front porch or patio are especially nice first thing in the morning as I enjoy listening to the birds. 

  • Andreaswilson

    Put on the coffee!!  LOL!

  • Iris

    I keep my I-Pod(or any device with music and podcasts) with headphones close by, so I just reach for them before I get out of bed.  No matter how badly I feel, starting the day as follows has helped me immensely and  brighten my day.  I listen to 2 short healing prayers with music,(uploaded free from I-tunes) then I listen to a short healing meditation.  Then, I choose a favorite song to listen to, while lying quietly, or another short meditation practicing mindfulness(Jon Kabat-Zinn).  Inspiration and encouragement from these, as well as saying prayers for others who also need healing, will help you to feel better. Total time, about 20-30 min. Follow with a nice warm shower, get dressed, some make-up will always help me to feel better, no matter how much I have suffered from pain during the night. I pace myself throughout the day! I try to focus on all the good things, no matter how small. 

  • Ricki S.

    I disconnect from my dialysis machine….down my meds, and then enjoy my one cup of coffee while listening to the radio or watching tv…..I am ready to face the world after that!

  • Janetkeech

    I get my coffee and sit on the sofa with my cuddly yorkies and the comfy feeling stays with me the rest of the day……it is our time where I am not hurting and they are showing me love……our slow down quiet time first thing in the morning and I love it.

  • Krdshafer

    I pray, say a Bible verse or sing or say some words to a hymn.  I have heart disease and fibromyalgia and a few other issues such as anxiety and depression; this is the only way I can start my day.

  • Shauna1071

    I do a brief Yoga routine to ease stiffness, my exercises to ease lower back pain (due to degenerative disk disease, then read for awhile. Some mornings I will sit outside and just listen to the birds while drinking my tea or coffee. Then I am on to my day.

  • Celinacejaaranda

    My bf calls me from 3 states away as shes driving to work. That always wakes me up and makes me feel better 🙂 And then I start to get my boys ready for school.
    Once they are off to school, I do my morning Zumba at home and maybe meet up with my sister later that morning. (Only this on my day off, or when I work 2nd shift).

  • alumiere

    I pull the covers up on the bed and fluff my pillows, then put on a nightgown (and tights if it’s cold) which doubles as a dress,  brush my teeth, take morning meds, and login to the world.

    Of course after that I may read or take a nap or do something or watch ‘tv’ depending on how I feel. In an hour or two I’ll have brunch.