Fast Company is searching for 2010’s Most Influential Person Online


This will be fun!  All you have to do is click the link and it helps me show how large the network is!  It will be amazing, but we need your help! Please click link to help me with this project! Let’s see how many #spoonies we can pull together! Fast Company is searching for 2010’s Most Influential Person Online. You are more influential than you think! 

Please feel free to pass the link on to family and friends too!  The more the better!

♥ christine

  • All of people New Year will be brighter knowing this!

  • ElisaTB

    Go Christine! I’m sure the definition of influence includes not having a day that goes by that I don’t think of the BYDLS phrase, you have it girl. And… The pic is great. As my sister (In-law) and I may comment to one another, “BOTH: Hair AND Make/up”!

  • Ramona K. Endsley

    Posted it to my FB also. I also have both plus periphal neuorapathy which is so painful, and at times my hands , and feet completly quit working. soft huggles to all♥

  • Julie Finlayson

    I have multiple autoimmune issues. I am no longer alone and finally know how to “explain” to people how my day goes…. I’m proud to be a spoonie!!!

  • Cathy Copeland

    It was nice to put a face to the story! I’m posting it on my Facebook page to see how many more I can get for you. I have a lot of friends who either have lupus and/or fibromyalgia (I have both) and many cancer survivors. The Spoon Theory is known by many, because I made them learn it…if you want to be my friend, it’s required reading! LOL!!

    Thanks for everything Christine!