Did you watch Lady Gaga on CNN with Larry King?


Lady Gaga was on Larry King Tonight 9pm est. I just finished watching it, and of course I am on my computer typing away my response and will have a blog post up shortly. But I wanted to know your thoughts about what she said about lupus? Do you think this is a good or bad thing for the lupus community and or/ lupus awareness?

Here is a link to the video where she speaks (shortly) about lupus.

Leave your comments below!

  • Rebecca

    How it was explained to me when my bloods came back as “borderline” was that these tests are not binary, there’s a scale between nothing and lots, and someone’s done some statistical analysis and reckons that anything over x probably can be considered a positive result while less than x probably can be considered a negative result. So if your levels are right around x, then you are considered borderline – ie inconclusive, but probably worth checking other stuff and basing a diagnosis on that.


    Many diseases require meeting a number of “markers” to confirm diagnosis. My sister has SLE but it took years and finally becoming a patient in ICU before definite confirmation. Myself, I have an autoimmune rheumatological disease that took years to confirm also. As a RN I knew there was something wrong with me & I requested bloodwork several times had my ANA drawn negative for Lupus, and like my sister, my body reached its breaking point where meeting enough markers and bloodwork (a DNA factor, Sed Rate, CRP) and second confirmation in the rheumatology clinic of Ankylosing Spondylitis was diagnosed. I also have Fibromyalgia. It is possible to have a positive bloodwork and be asymptomatic. I think that everyone should take good care of themselves period.

  • Jamie Wood

    Just my humble opinion here. Would borderline Lupus be like borderline pregnant?? Just sayin.

  • Betsy Laraway

    I don’t understand the borderline lupus. Either you have it or you don’t. Also it has not been proven to be genetic, although it appears some are more prone than others in a family. Although I was lucky and diagnosed in short order, who knows how long it had been going on before I went to the doctor for something totally unrelated.

    I do think that Lady Gaga does have a following, but there are many who may see this as another way to bring attention to herself and obtain more publicity. I feel for her but I am not so sure she will help the cause.

  • Patti

    I do get the “borderline” Lupus diagnosis. You can have the symptoms without a positive ANA or you can have a positive ANA without all of the symptoms. It took over 10 years for my diagnosis due to test results being all over the place. That was 16 years ago and I know that testing is much more accurate now but I still think it can be difficult sometimes. My daughter has been told by our Rheumatologist that she displays the sypmptoms without the concrete bloodwork.

    The way I look at it is Lady Gaga speaking about Lupus can only help with educating younger people about the disease.

  • I am sure she means well but there is no test for Lupus. Having a positive ANA does not mean you have Lupus, a negative ANA does not mean that you do not have Lupus. My ANA has varied over the years, at times being very high at times being negative. My diagnosis came from meeting 4 of the 11 markers, which is the medical standard for diagnosis, not a blood test. Or any one test, or even battery of tests. Over the years I have met 9 or the 11 markers. It would be good if people who are in the public eye would be a bit more conscious of the information they put out there. Many people without any other information take that for the facts. I don’t want to go around wishing ill on anyone but it would be nice if those who are in the public eye who do have experience (their own or someone close to them) would share correct information and direct people to places where they can learn the facts.

  • Amy

    I just watched the video. It’s very vague. How do you get diagnosed with borderline lupus?