Did you know July is National Ice-Cream month?


Okay, I know they have a “celebration month” for everything nowadays, but I will take any excuse to have some ice cream. Hey, it is our duty to have a scoop and celebrate!  What is your favorite flavor?  -Christine

  • Penny

    Rum and raisin!

    Penny UK

  • wendy

    does frozen yoguhurt count? wildberry

  • betsy

    Does Culver’s Custard count?…My favorite is Turtle.mmmmm

  • Elspeth

    My very favorite ice cream is from a small store that makes its own ice cream. The best one they ever made was vanilla ice cream with chocolate cake with chocolate icing – calorie laden and every bite absolutely delicious. It was an experimental flavor which they have never made again. 🙁

  • Good ol’ vanilla! And I bought some today! Even before reading your message, Christine.

  • I am an ice-cream freak! I love all kinds and flavors. But if I had to pick a favorite it would be Coffee Ice Cream. The brand I love the best is Friendly’s or Starbucks. It is so smooth and the taste is like you are drinking a cup of coffee. Another one is Friendly’s Butter Crunch, with its Carmel little bits of toffee. Oh, my I could go on forever….. 🙂

  • My all-time favorite Ice Creaam is Basken and Robyn’s Jamoca Almond Fudge. The perfect combi of Lighter Choco, Dark, oozing fudge, and just the right toasted almond bits! I was able to pay my beloved hubby, early in our marriage, the ultimate compliment with a Flavia Card with a picture of a sweet ice cream table and chair set on the front, which said “You Are”. Open the card and it said… of course… Jamoca Almond Fudge. I added just the right goooey words. The perfect “Just because I love you” card! : – )