January is National Blood Donor Month


red crossJanuary is the perfect time to honor the people who help others through the simple act of giving blood.  If you can’t give blood due to medical reasons, you can use this time to encourage friends and family to donate, or even help at a local blood drive.

Since 1970, January has been known as National Blood Donor Month. It’s a time when blood organizations like the American Red Cross pay tribute to the nearly 11 million people who give blood each year, and encourage others to start the New Year off right by coming to give the gift of life.

January is a challenging time for blood donation because cold and snowy weather and busy post-holiday schedules can make it difficult for blood donors to keep appointments. Regardless of the time of year, hospital patients nationwide need about 44,000 blood donations daily for cancer care, surgeries, and the treatment of serious diseases and trauma. The Red Cross encourages donors to make and keep appointments, both for convenience and to reinforce the feeling of commitment. Community members can also contribute to the blood supply by organizing or volunteering at a blood drive, or by suggesting blood donation to their family and friends.

For more information on blood donation click here.

How cute! Even the keebler elves at Keebler cookies is getting involved. If you are a “good cookie” by donating blood, you will recieve a Keebler cookie!
