April Fools’…..sort of.


Ever feel like sometimes things slip through your fingers even before you knew you had them in your hands? As professionals, moms, dads, patients, students and perpetually busy human beings, we all forget things from time to time that we swore we’d remember.

Your illustrious Spoonie Staff is no exception.

Yes, ’tis true. The Spoon Lady and her ever-present side-kick, Editor Girl had a grandiose April Fools’ Day prank planned for you all.

Then brain fog rolled in and…….ohhhh shiny!

So, instead we will take this time to thank you all for your continuing and much valued support and readership, whether you have been with us for years or have just found us. Please pass us along to anyone you think would benefit from a community that cares such as ours.

Remember, awareness is the answer, but support is the key.

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Wishing you an abundance of spoons,

Christine and Stephanie

  • Kathy Duncan

    My dad died on April 1st, 1990 so I don’t celebrate that day any way

  • Laura

    Only a days late… ok 10 or 11…. but most days its the same… wait, what was I going to say? The words were RIGHT there, I swear! Dangit!

  • Hi-I was so excited to find your site & have mainly just been a reader. I `m from Sydney Australia & yours is the email I look forward to recieving most-I felt like crying with happiness (well,sort of!) to find such a great site-I especially love your “spoons” analogy.I tried to use it to demonstrate to my husband what living with a chronic,invisible illness is but I`m not sure he understood. He has & continues to be my best friend,carer & brilliant father to our two children.I was diagnosed with relapsing/remitting MS at 27 but almost 20 years after diagnosis I fear that my symptoms have been more constant (But still invisible!!) for the last few years. I have been on & off Tysabri since 2008 (one of the newer wonder drugs- or as I tell my neurologist it`s a “wonder” anyone stays on it). I am regularly(read :most of the time) laid low with various infections-have had two stays in hospital due to pneumonia & at present am fighting off some sort of nasty flu hoping it won`t turn into pneumonia. After my daughter was born in 1999 I had gone off all medications & thought I had beaten the post natal 3 month risk for exacerbations-good point to make here is to talk to your Dr & not believe everything you read as I had the worst MS attack & was hospitalised-(there is actually a 12 mth risk of exacerbation after delivery). I was left with a chronic pain problem which was diagnosed as central pain & after the pain clinic roundabout more or less discovered that I just had to live with it. I take slow release morphine but I don`t think it does much except slow me down even more (& put on lots of weight)-I was interested to read about the Tens machine & might give this a try. Unfortunately I also suffer with generalised anxiety disorder & have been recently diagnosed as Bipolar (another invisible illness!-the spending sprees weren`t too invisible) so all up I feel my husband needs a carer so that he can be a carer for me & our two gorgeous children ! The irony of my situation is that I think my mental illness has had a much more significant effect on my life. It`s often very difficult to tease out which is making me feel worse, but I find it so true that only similar sufferers like those I have read about on your site really seem to understand what it`s like to not know how or if you`ll be able to get up every morning let alone function. I know I`ve gone right off the track from the topic of this board but if you saw how many spelling/typo mistakes & thought blanks I`ve had writing this message you would know that I am fully in fog land! I actually think I`m pretty lucky compared to others I hear of & I`ve (nearly) always felt that way. Sorry for the ramble-just really wanted to let you know what an excellent site (& perfect title) I think you`ve created & to let you know how much comfort & many chuckles it has given a very socially isolated(but friendly) spoonie!

  • Pam Bennett

    I wish I could count how many times I have forgotten something important,but guess what? I can’t remember.I hope you had a good April 1st anyway. lots of love pam bennett……..my email has changed to [email protected]

  • Brain Fog Hmmm Oh Yeah I know I Forgot and never started again.

  • “Then brain fog rolled in and…….ohhhh shiny!”
    Love that! Story of my….wait, I was about to say something…hmmm….

  • jenny

    wanted to say something but i forgot…………………

  • “The Spoon Lady and her ever-present side-kick, Editor Girl”

    -Steph & Christine,

    Dont ask me why, but this makes me picture the two of you as movie-type super heroines, with tights, capes and armed with a lot of spoons.

    It was a good enough April Fools joke just for that image!

  • Yeah, like my just typing my URL in for my email and vice versa. Got that sorted out.

    I know the feeling. It’s been crazy the past two weeks since I caught a bug on top of all the chronic and have been out of my mind, sort of turned into a slug. I sleep a lot.

  • Lizzie

    …It’s April?

  • Brain fog. What brain fog? Squirel!

  • Sherrie Nelson

    Oh, and I thought that I was just absent minded!! ha! I will be talking, and next thing I know – I am lookig around wondering if I was going to say something important!!!

    Three cheers for brain fog – – oh wait the sun is shining – back later!

  • Christine W

    lol, brain fog must be traveling across the country!!! Oh look….