Poetry: I’m Sorry


A poem submitted by one of our readers.

I’m Sorry
I’m tired of saying “I’m sorry”.
I’m sorry for not being able to work.
I’m sorry for the stinky cream.
I’m sorry I didn’t finish the laundry.
I’m sorry for crying again.
I’m sorry that I can’t play today.
I’m sorry that I slept so long.
I’m sorry that the house is a mess.
I’m sorry that I look how I feel.
I’m sorry for saying “I’m sorry” again.
I know that you didn’t ask me to.
I know that you don’t expect me to.
I know that you love me anyway.
I know that you understand.
I am sorry for crying again.
I have Fibromyalgia. I just found your web site and I am so relieved that I did. I won’t be so lonely anymore. Thank you.
Shari Hummel, San Antonio, Tx.

  • Rebecca Christe

    I love this poem but i hate the guilt we feel.

  • Melisa Allen

    WOW! That was wonderful! I just realized that I am not the only one who apologizes constantly for these things that I expect myself to do!
    Really great one!

  • Cheryl Rolph

    Love your poem and sure identify with it!

  • Chele

    Christine…i love this. I FEEL this. Thank you for it, Hun. Stay strong!
    God bless,

  • Lizzy

    Thank you for your beautiful poem! I have POTS, but I totally understand the “I’m sorry” thing!
    God bless you!

  • Sara Laigaard

    I have Fibro, have had for 16 yrs. so I understand how it feels to say “sorry” all the time. Just wanted to tell you to try taking 4-6000mgs. MSM everyday, I have found it helps with the pain. You have to keep taking it for it to be effective. Life is too wonderful to be so blue all the time so take each moment and deal with it as best you can.
    God Bless,