April is Counseling Awareness Month


Many people believe that counseling is the same as psychiatry, clinical psychology, and/or social work. Counseling is different since it works with individuals or groups that are dealing with situational or long term issues. Counselors deal with a myriad of issues such as depression, trauma, eating disorders, and bereavement to mention a few.

Written by staff writer, Sara Swati

  • Unicorn

    Ther are diferent schools or philosphies of counseling and this is not always made clear to those seeking support. Finding th right kind of help is vital, as is having a rapport with the counselor. Again, it is not always shared,but it is an intrinsic part of an effective process for both the counselor and the client to acknowledge that a differnet therapsit may be beneficial or necessary.
    I think counseling is often overlooked as part of the wll-being package in managing chronic conditions. I believe it has a hugely important role in helpning to expolore adjustments in espects of goals and activities, coping strategies, effects on relationships, shifting personal resources and independence etc although I stongly oblect to it beong pushed as as a ‘cure’. Shouting ‘I am a winner’ while hurling yourself toward the finish line wont mend a broken leg, help you to run, or make it hurt less… so why would it fix other physical conditions???

    I ended up with a counselor who also happened to fibromyalgia : ) fabtastic

  • Michelle

    I don’t know where I would be without my therapist and the therapeutic relationship I have developed with her. I highly recommend it for all of us dealing with these traumatic chronic illnesses….it can really help the mind/body connection and help us through our darkest times……