Founder of to Speak at Atlanta, Georgia Lupus Symposium


Christine Miserandino, founder and owner of the online magazine and support system, will be the keynote speaker at the Lupus Foundation of America, Georgia Chapter’s Annual Lupus Symposium.  Christine, who has been living with Lupus for over 15 years is a nationally recognized blogger, writer and patient advocate from Long Island, NY. 

The keynote address is titled “A Spoonful of Hope” and will give Symposium attendees tips in being a “professional patient” and a network of support within the autoimmune community.  In addition, there will be specific workshops available for more specialized information.

Don’t miss your opportunity to hear Christine speak about her struggles and triumphs living with Lupus most of her adult life.  The event is scheduled for October 30th at the Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.  For more information or to register to attend visit   This event is FREE, so don’t pass up an opportunity to talk one on one with the Spoon Lady herself!

To register for this event click here.

After registering, let us know if you are coming by commenting below.

  • I like this… bookmarked this read to my favorites.

  • Pam Bennett

    I was at dinner with about 20 other people with Lupus.I enjoyed meeting all the new people and friends I’ve made onFB.My sister Regina maintains the LFA Ga.Chapter Facebook page.I also went to the symposium on Sat. it was great.I enjoyed Christine Miserandino Donata.She was funny and she shared her life with Lupus.We cried and we laughed.She is very sweet and so is her mother.I also enjoyed meeting her also.

  • Darren

    I registered back when you first mentioned it on FB, looking forward to hearing Christine speak. I hope non-lupus folks are welcome, otherwise I’m going to be quite the minority. 😉
    I’ll be there just as long as I’m able to make it out of bed and drive that day.

  • Collie1013

    I have already registered and will definitely be there! So looking forward to it!

  • Unicorn

    YAY! Go Christine : ) Take care

  • JSJ

    Sounds like a great event– I would love to hear Christine speak. As a Spooner with BYDLSk issues I am unable to drive and am currently educating myself as to how to involve friends (AKA “potential chauffers”) in such events so I can actually GET there. Will go on the assumption that NON Lupus persons are welcome to attend. Good luck and thanks for the opportunity!
    JSJ, Atlanta area spoonie with MS.

  • Stephanie

    Executive Vice President in Charge of Social Media, Press Relations Department Manager, Therapist to the CEO, Staff Writer and General Manager of the store at will be there with bells on.

    Well…maybe not actual bells. That would be distracting.