Christine Was Featured in This Week’s “The Cancer Warrior” Radio Show


I had the opportunity to speak with Mel Majoros who hosts the radio show “The Cancer Warrior” on Empower Radio. We discussed my Lupus story, as well as my latest treatment of Cytoxin which is a chemotherapy. We actually both had that medicine in common. We also had the “foggy brain” in common. We were able to share, connect and laugh even though we had different diseases. It is very common that even with a different diagnosis, you might have symptoms, side effects, medications or emotions in common. This is actually the heart of to build a community of people who can connect not on “labels” of diagnosis but on how we can help each other.

It was a great experience, and I met a new friend! Please take a moment and listen to the radio podcast now. It might take a moment to download, but it is worth it!
Comment here and let me know what you think! This experience really has inspired me to start a weekly radio podcast. Thank you Mel for the experience, and welcome to any new “Cancer Spoonies” who have joined us here on

  • Dottie Balin

    Hi Christine,

    What an awesome interview!! You are wonderful, very poised and the info you have is plentiful. You always make everything humorous and I think that is what makes many people including myself deal with their illness in a positive way. You should really think about doing a radio show. Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us. Keep up the good work, be strong, be well and have many “spoons”.

    Dottie 🙂