Healthy Snack Review: Genisoy Soy Crisps


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Looking for a light, portable crunchy snack that won’t unravel your efforts to eat healthy, and one that actually tastes good too? Believe it or not, one exists. The Genisoy Food Company makes Soy Crisps, a yummy alternative to boring rice cakes and greasy chips.

Soy Crisps are small rounds made from soy flour and rice. They are baked and contain no trans or saturated fats. They are high in protein at 7g per serving and are surprisingly low in carbohydrates at only 15g per serving.
The crisps contain no gluten ingredients, but they are made in a facility that also makes products containing wheat, so there is a slight risk of cross-contamination for those who are highly sensitive. However, I have had them several times and have never experienced any sort of reaction. I find them highly digestible and would recommend them as generally safe for those with diabetes.
The best news is that they taste GREAT! Creamy Ranch is my flavor of choice. The other varieties they make are: Rich Cheddar Cheese, Zesty Barbeque, Tangy Salt & Vinegar, Nacho, Deep Sea Salted, Roasted Garlic & Onion, and Apple Cinnamon Crunch.
I first found these crisps in a health food store in Florida, but my regular grocery store in South Dakota also carries them. In addition, they are available online, along with several other products at:

Soy Crisps even appeal to those who are not on any dietary restrictions, such as my husband. They are also a good road trip food, so grab a bag and start crunching.
Submitted by: Karen Brauer,, © 2008