Product Review: The Culinare Magi Pull ring-pull opener


I find it increasingly hard to perform simple tasks around the kitchen that require strength and dexterity in my fingers. They’re not very strong anymore, tend to hurt if pressure is applied and often go numb or tingly.

I also have issues with them shaking or jerking at the wrong moment. Ring pulls were increasingly either not budging at all or they were snapping off in my hand, leaving me to try and open the can using a more traditional can opener. So when I saw this little product while looking through Lakeland Limited’s on line catalog, I figured it would be worth a try. And it really does work. You push the end of the tool under the ring-pull until it slots into the groove for it and then you push back with the handle. The strong cylinder that makes the center of the tool acts as a comfortable pivot and the 4” plus long handle gives good leverage, allowing you to open ring pull cans with surprising ease. The tool itself is light, easy to clean and easy to find in the drawer! I highly recommend it…and at this price, it’s certainly worth a try.
Article submitted by: Lindsey Middlemiss ,, © 2006
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