Book Review: 2008 CalorieKing Calorie, Fat & Carbohydrate Counter


I hate cooking in the summer months. I do not want to turn on the oven and make my whole house hot, so I find that I end up eating out a lot. I still want to eat well and be informed of calories, sugars, fats etc. in what I am eating, but I am a “woman on the go”, and sometimes fast food is my only quick and easy option.

This book is one of the best calorie counters because it is cheap ($7.99 on, easy to use, and fits in my bag, or glove compartment of my car. Perfect because then I have no excuse not to use it.

This tiny book includes most of the major food chains and restaurants. I actually couldn’t find one yet that it didn’t have. It also has food listed by type and I found it easy to always find what I was looking for. If you are looking for nutritional information for your general health, or for diabetes etc, I highly recommend it for anyone counting calories, fats or carbs. I can also imagine that this book is great for anyone following the Weight Watchers diet for when you are trying to figure out the “points” for what you are eating.
Review written by: Christine Miserandino © 2008
Author: Allan Borushek
Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: Allan Borushek & Assoc. Inc Language: English
ISBN-10: 1930448163