Book Review: Jane Eyre


By: Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre is certainly not a new book – as you know. Never the less, it is a
very engaging read that I had never had the pleasure of reading until now.

I of course had heard of it, but figured it would be rather boring. I had
decided to try reading some classics though, since I have the  time and
this was the first one I chose. I’m glad I took the time.

The beginning was a little slow for me, but once I got more into the book I
didn’t want to stop reading it! What really interested me was the fact that some
parts of the book – particularly the school scenes, were modeled after what she
and her sisters went through. Charlotte’s own life story is also in some parts
very grim, which maybe why some parts of Jane Eyre are rather depressing (not
all though.)

In case you’re not familiar with the story, Jane Eyre is an orphan and at the
beginning of the book is living with an aunt who hates her. Eventually she is
sent to a school where treatment for a time is  almost worse than what she
received from her aunt. It does get better though and she spends 8 years of her
life there, two of which were spent as a teacher.

She eventually decides to leave her job and takes a new one as a 
governess to a young orphan girl who lives with her guardian Mr. Rochester. Fate
plays out and young Jane ends up falling in love with him, yet a shocking turn
of events leads her to leave the mansion and the man she loves, but cannot
marry. With no money and nothing but the clothes on her back she sets off to a
new town  with new people, but she never forgets the man she loved and she
eventually goes back. She soon discovers even more surprising things.

Some of you may have already seen the movie, but don’t let that stop you from
reading the book, it truly is an interesting read, that gets more in depth than
a movie ever could. Some parts may be a  bit confusing though, but 
understandably since it was written in the 1800’s.

It also has a good moral, because even though some parts of her life were
very sad, once she grew older she faced most of them with a very good attitude.
Which in the end worked out to her benefit. It’s also important to see how Jane
forgave Mr. Rochester though he betrayed her, and even kept on loving him, but
how she also did the right thing and let him go. Of  course this book is
not for  everyone, and even though I enjoyed it doesn’t mean you will. If
the fact that it was written in the 1800’s doesn’t daunt you though, I suggest
you try reading it. After all it did become a well known classic for a reason.

Title: Jane Eyre
Author: Charlotte Bronte
Publisher: The Penguin Group – Puffin Classics
ISBN: 0141305371
Reviewed By: Elisabeth Adkins