Pay it Forward! Friends and Caregivers Raising Money for Medical Musts, Bills, Surgery, Medication etc. Now you can help!

GiveForward is like Kickstarter for medical bills. If you have a friend or relative undergoing expensive treatment, create a web page to tell their story (pro tip: add photos or videos). Include a goal amount—it might be $500, it might be $50,000.Then publicize! Twitter, Facebook, email—the bigger your social network, the better.
Gettin’ paid
People can donate using credit, debit, or PayPal. At the end of the fundraiser, even if you haven’t reached your goal, your loved one gets the money via check or PayPal.
GiveForward’s fee is 7%—so for every $1,000 you raise, subtract $70. (Could you do it yourself, free? Maybe, but GiveForward handles all the tech and administrative work.)
Open your heart.Have you tried to help someone burdened by medical bills? So many chronically ill people will silently try to handle the overwhelming burden. The financial stress often times triggers disease to get worse making a vicious cycle. It is very hard to ask for help, now is your chance to give help easily, safely, and quickly. Pay it forward to someone you love today. Don’t get me wrong, soup and flowers are good, but when the bills stack up and the bill collectors call financial help can bring a much needed breath of relief.
Source: Daily Worth (
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