Christine speaks to Tim Abbott of “Technical Difficulties” of Resonance FM in London!


 I had the opportunity to speak with Tim Abbott of the radio show “Technical Difficulties”. He is a great guy, so easy to speak to that the time just flew!

Technical Difficulties is a weekly radio show about disability on Resonance 104.4 FM in London at 3.30pm on Fridays. Technical Difficulties is Resonance 104.4fm’s weekly show around disability. So far it has reached 29 shows (13 last year, 16 so far this year), of which this show was no. 7 this year. Resonance FM is a charity, if you like what you hear then please donate at The show came about when long time Resonance FM volunteer studio engineer and radio journalist Tim Abbott was asked to do a weekly show to represent his community by the station managers.

The show’s name is a pun on the oft-used radio excuse that “we are having technical difficulties”.

 Tim is a proud spastic, crip and #spoonie. That is, he was born with spastic cerebral palsy and now has muscle problems and severe pain as he gets older. He is supported in doing the show by Timothy Bonham-Carter, who is a deaf man and a sign language interpreter, and Dolly Sen – who is a mental health survivor and advocate. And we are all helped by many others besides. 

Every show since the start can be found at

 I kinda love that he says “wear your scars with pride”. The fact is that over here in the land of invisible illness most of us don’t have scars that you can see to show our disability- but that does not mean that they are not there. Many of us even have emotional scars that you do not see due to living a life with disability, disease, or chronic pain.


In this week’s show, Tim Abbott talks to Christine Miserandino – the Spoon Lady – about how it feels to be recognised by government for treatment, what it is like to ‘not look sick’, sharing good information online and what exactly those spoons are about.

Transcript of the radio show is available here

Christine’s Spoon Theory, and much more good information, is available at and she can be found on Twitter @bydls
Tim at Technical Difficulties can be found on Twitter @lightchronic and should follow him because he is nice, he shares really good information… and his accent makes me giggle. It was honor to be interviewed by him and I hope to do it again soon!
Written by Christine Miserandino
  • Suzi More

    I have used Miserandino’s website to show my friends and family members who do not understand my diseases, Dercums, Lipedema
    and Madelungs. Very rare diseases that not many doctors even know anything about. But it has been very hard for me to make people understand what it is like to have chronic pain and fatigue. There are many times others act like I am trying to get attention or that I am lazy because I am not able to do the things I used to do.
    Her story has helped me and I appreciate the way she has helped so many (possibly thousands) of other people.

  • unicorn

    Fabtastic. It is awesome that the spoonie community is worldwide…yes, not least kuz the time zones mean there is bound to be someone else out there, and I loved Tim’s connection between insomnia and disibilty rights : ) This UK spoonie say’s take care