We have reached over 41,000 “likes” on our facebook fan page!


We are so excited to have over 41,000 “likes” on our facebook fan page! As much as we are excited to have formed this community of great people using technology to share information and support, it of course also makes me sad that we need that support. We as patients need to be empowered to reach out online and get the information, support and friendship we need!

I am honored that an every day girl like me can bring people together. It started with one blog post, one like on facebook, etc. But you the readers are the ones who have kept this website growing and the facebook community growing. By passing on the links, clicking like, re-tweeting, etc you have helped build a strong community that is really making differences in peoples lives.

Thank you!

come visit us on facebook!


    Actions speak louder than words. They claim altruism, then
    they go straight into high-paying specialties, avoiding primary care like the


  • congrats and hopes the number increase even more, love the site!

  • Susan

    I also would appreciate an answer to the question about when the message boards are being reintroduced.

    I sent you an email ages ago asking this same question and have not even been offered the courtesy of a reply?

  • Oh, and not to pass it by Christine, congrats on the Facebook adventure! It was great meeting you at Dave’s seminar on Friday – and now, having read thru your posts, understand why everyone was talking about “spoons”!

    Onward we all go!

    – Jeff

  • Hi Helen –

    Really? Jeebus – did he give you a satisfaction-guaranteed-or-your-money-back coupon too? Just kidding… 🙂

    Depending on how much cartilage he removed, your physical condition, how good of a surgeon he was, and your ongoing attention to your moving parts, will determine your post-op pain level.

    If he hasn’t, and he should, write an Rx for rehab. The therapist can help you build up the surrounding muscle to add support to the knee. Exercise is going to be important not only for your ongoing health but will also help prevent, or delay, further knee problems.

    Yes – your general tolerance for pain does help. But considering you’ve never had this type of surgery before, there’s no way he can predict how you’ll feel.

    By the way, I’ve had 3 arthroscopic surgeries for torn cartilage in both knees, and am doing just fine!

    Stay positive, stay in shape – and keep moving!

    – Jeff

  • Kathleen

    What happened to the message boards-been out of commission for a while..so you only can leave posts on facebook now?? thanks in advance for informing on this:)

  • Elspeth

    Facebook is OK, but are we ever going to get the message boards back?

  • Jan

    Hello Helen~ I sure do hope that your ortho is right. I wish you fast healing. If it is true and you have a faster recovery, that is a great thing! That makes sense that we are better at dealing with pain.

  • Two days post op from knee surgery. Both medial and lateral menisci were torn in my right knee. My ortho said that people with chronic pain issues generally reported a faster recovery. He said he thinks we have just learned to deal with pain better than the average person. What do you guys think?