ButYouDontLookSick.com is busy in the Health Blogosphere


This has been a great week in the medical/ health blogosphere for ButYouDontLookSick.com! We are proud to have been mentioned in articles by some really talented bloggers and we even have been nominated for an award. I originally started ButYouDontLookSick.com writing about my own experiences with Lupus, but I soon began to realize that many of us with “invisible diseases” have many of the same feelings or experiences. We can use technology as a tool to help each other and build a community.

Thanks to Amy Tenderich at Diabetesmine.com wrote an article called “Life, by the Spoonful” where she talks about living with Type 1 Diabetes and uses “The Spoon Theory” to talk about her life and the daily management of her disease.
At Dlife.com, Amy also mentions us in her weekly column called “Straight up”. This week she talks about explaining the demands of living with a chronic illness in an article called “Counting Spoons“.
We are so proud to be nominated for Medgadget’s 2007 Medical Blog Awards. Thanks so much to our readers for their support. We are honored to be in the company of such talented writers in the Best Medical Weblog category. Don’t forget to check Medgadget to see if we become a finalist, and if so, please mark your calendars and vote for us from Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2008 to Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008 at midnight (PST). Thanks!
Thanks to our friend Kim at Cafe Chronique -A Chronically Unique Community For Chronique Divas, for syndicating our newsfeed and providing her readers/ members with our articles! We hope they enjoy them!
The Lupus Foundation’s, Lupus Now Magazine has featured an article written by my mother, Janet Miserandino called “My Daughter, My Hero” in their “Creative Corner”.
Please take a moment to visit the websites listed above and thank them for mentioning/ nominating ButYouDontLookSick.com!