ButYouDontLookSick.com gets NEW upgrades!
We are always working hard to make our website the best it can be. Now we are better then before! You have been asking for some of these new features, and we have been listening! We are very proud to announce new upgrades and site features! If you have not been to our website lately – please come to check out some of these new exciting additions!
1. NEW Daily Emails — We have upgraded our system so now you can receive daily automatic emails with our newest articles. Many of you have expressed interest in this feature, so that you can conveniently read any new content to our site. *Please note that we will no longer be using our yahoo newsletter. If you are signed up for our newsletter- you will have to sign up for this service separately. Please visit www.butyoudontlooksick.com and click on the envelope icon in the top left section of our menu. Now that we have made a commitment to new articles EVERY SINGLE DAY, this daily update is even more important than ever. PLEASE take a moment now to sign up for this service.
2. “Email this article to a friend” — Now on the bottom of every new article you will find a few text buttons. The first button says “email this”. When you click on this button, it gives you the option of emailing the article to one of your friends. Now when you read an article on butyoudontlooksick.com and you think one of your friends or family would find it interesting, you can email them the link!
3. Comment on our articles. — Do you have something to say? Do you have more tips, or do you agree or disagree with an article at butyoudontlooksick.com? Now you can have your say. On the very bottom of each of our articles there is a comment box. Just fill out the form and your thoughts will be published for all to see!
4. Share butyoudontlooksick.com with your friends on your social book marking sites!
We have added text links to the bottom of every new article so you can easily share your favorite articles with your friends on facebook, Digg, del.icio.us, Newsvine, Stumbleupon, and Reddit. (If you have any suggestions of other sites you would like us to add, just let us know in the comment section of this article.)
5. RSS/XML Feed for butyoudontlooksick.com articles
We have a new feed service that makes it easy receive content updates in My Yahoo!, Google, Newsgator, Bloglines, and other news readers. What is an RSS feed? “RSS” means “Really Simple Syndication.” But that is just a fancy way of saying that you can keep up with all the updates on ButYouDontLookSick.com without having to check the site every week to see “what’s new” or to read a new article. If you are a website owner or publisher, you can use this service to have our articles automatically be sent to your site and be updated in real time. To get our feed, visit www.butyoudontlooksick.com and click on the ‘Subscribe’ link/ blue icon at the top left section of our menu.
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