Official “I am a Spoonie” Photo Contest!!


UPDATE: You may continue to upload photos to our gallery, however photos uploaded after August 25th, 1:00am EST will not be considered eligible for contest prize consideration.  Photos uploaded after August 25th may still be featured on our site, or included in any future media related to this contest or (slideshows, photo montage, video segments, etc). Thank you for your support!

Are you a “Spoonie”?

Do you love a “Spoonie”?

This photo contest is to celebrate ‘s 7 year anniversary!  We are offering several prizes (listed below), and we are excited to see just how creative our readers can be! It will will also being interesting to see how far and wide “the spoon theory” has reached!

The contest is simple. Please take a photo of yourself holding a sign, or somehow stating “I am a Spoonie!” Write it on a poster, on your t shirt, on a napkin… whatever. As long as it is you and says “I am a Spoonie!” and has you in the picture. We want to show that we are people behind the pain. Do not worry about being perfect, or being all “pretty” for a picture – we want you just as you are. Feel free to add your name, your diagnosis, or anything else you want.

We will award prizes in 7 different categories to celebrate our 7 year anniversary! Prizes will include t-shirts, hats, and other select “spoon gear” from our new online store which will launch at the end of this month!

Contest starts 8/10 and ends midnight EST 8/24, so you have 2 weeks to submit your photo!

Winners will be announced here on by 8/27

1. 3 random winners (so do not worry if you are not a professional photographer!)

2. Most Creative (Go for it!)

3. Spoonie from furthest from Long Island, NY (include proof of where you live in the picture – landmarks, border signs, etc.)

4. Celebrity Spoonie Sightings (one prize will be awarded to a person who submits a photo that includes a celebrity or person of distinction supporting the “be a Spoonie” contest – either with, or without you in the photo as well)

5. Most Actual Spoons in Your Picture

6. Largest Spoon in Your Picture.

7. Most “Spoonies” in 1 picture (each member of the winning group will receive a beautil pewter spoon pin!)

All photos will be published and featured in our Spoonie Gallery. Photos uploaded MUST have a name and state/ country in the subject to be eligible for the contest. You may enter more then once, as long as photos are different in theme. See my example of a quick photo while writing this in the gallery below.

Click the Add Your Photo link above to upload your photo and add it to the gallery/slideshow. Your photo can be any size (JPG, PNG, or GIF files please), but must not exceed 2mb in size.  (If you have trouble uploading a picture try to resize it to something less then 640×480)

All uploads become property of and are subject to moderation prior to inclusion in the gallery. Please do not upload your photo more than once – if your photo has not been approved in 24 hours, please contact us. We appreciate your patience. All photos must be “family friendly”. reserves the right to edit, reproduce, replace, or remove any photo uploaded to the gallery at any time without prior warning or notice. By uploading your photo, you acknowledge that your photo will be publicly available on the internet, and agree to the terms outlined above. Please note that all decisions made by the staff are final.

If you have any questions about the contest, or if you or your organization would like to sponsor a future contest, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • I know stuff gets derailed by spoonless days but I’m still not sure where to look to find out who won…

  • HEY CHRISTINE! To answer your question…..YES I think you do need a SPOONIE HUSBAND forum.

  • Kim Ruddy!! Tried to find you on FB. Which Kim Ruddy are you???? I am on FB as well. My profile picture is a photo of me playing drums. Location is Dallas, Texas. I’ll start emailing all the Kim Ruddy people to find you. LOL

  • Rachel Buelow

    I just wanted to Thank You for the Photo contest you recently had. My daughter who is married to a young man in the AirForce is now in Charleston SC…Sh made a Poster that said “I am the daughter of the worlds greats spoonie” or something like taht…She sent me the picture… I miss her and Love her. I now live in a supportive care facility as I refuse to become a burden on my children. I have MS. My Girls are my biggest supporters and the reason I will continue to fight. Kim comes back to wosconsin every year to ride in the MS snowmobile Tour (that’s where this pic of us came from) to help me fundraise for the National MS Society. Last year I could not ride the second day because my spoons were all gone…instead of spending timg tim riding on the snowmobikle and playing in the snow she stayed in the hotel room with me while I slept… That says a lot for a 21 yr old.

  • @Vic: This was my prototype and tattoo design concept after I wrote a ditty re: never letting the gears stop turning. We CAN NOT give up. So, my tattoo is now set to go and I WILL be making spoonie necklaces. I have a few other concepts as well. I’ll announce it when I get them out there for sale! THX for the compliment!

  • Vik

    Punk Rock Spoonie, if you made that necklace, you should make more. I bet they’d sell on Etsy!!

  • because of the weekend, we have decided to have the winners announced on Monday morning.

  • Punk Rock Spoonie says THANKS for the compliment Vic! Gotta keep them gears turnin, and never give up. This is going to be the basis for my upcoming spoonie tattoo.

  • Vik

    Punk Rock Spoonie, I love your spoon-gears necklace!!

  • Sarah

    when are the winners going to be announced?

  • Rose

    Any winners yet? 🙂

  • heather/leo

    Oh I am so upset! I submitted it before deadline…did the upload and everything looked great. It said that sometimes it takes a bit to see it so I waited. I just looked and it’s not here! My friend will be so upset! He really worked on it!!! 🙁 🙁 Help!

  • Kim Ruddy

    bruce we tried to send you an email but kept throwing it back to us if you would like friend me on fb Kim Ruddy and I will get Tim in touch with you.

  • Carrie

    The DJ’s from the afternoon show of Alice 105.9 were going to help their spoonie (me!) and enter the contest. Between my doc appts and their schedule we couldn’t make it happen. Slacker and Steve still wanted to say that they love spoonies!! 🙂

  • Vik

    I hope I posted correctly & that it will show up for the contest! 🙂

  • Lara

    I think this is a wonderful idea and you all are winning Spoonies. If I hadn’t just discovered this contest I’d have been right there with all of you. Good luck to each of you and Congratulations to Christine and all of you wonderful people who make But You Don’t Look Sick possible. You make life just a bit easier for those of us who have less spoons than most.

    A fellow Spoonie with Full body RSD (CRPS) .

  • Nic

    I think these are so creative and amazing!!!!

  • hey denise i had that problem too and then i realised i’ve done it wrong… try again and read really carefully (i missed it a couple of times)
    important this does not mean that you are stupid it is a tricky system

  • Vik

    By “Most Actual Spoons in Your Picture,” do you just mean not-digital-spoons, or do you mean food-y spoons?

  • Denise

    hi Christine, how long does it take for your picture to show up? I have submitted several times but it keeps disappearing.


    Denise Gallardo

  • THIS IS MAKING MY DAY and I hope drawing me IN to make one as well.
    Thank you all. SPOONIES are better for it. (though it often does not feel like it)

  • Janilee

    This is what a spoonie wedding looks like, brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful that both of them are just ok with it. What a wonderful inspiration.

  • Kim Ruddy

    the spoonie husband is Tim Ruddy please feel free to contact him thru Christine or Kim Ruddy on fb.

  • Hmmm Bruce, I wonder if a “spoonie husband” forum is something we should start.

  • Rose

    HA….I feel ‘WINNER’ in my blood. Just posted a pic from our homegrown PA TV celebrity with a sign supporting me as a spoonie! Is that cool or what? You can see Mick on our PA Attorney General’s office web site streaming videos on scams. He’s also going to be on Forensic Files August 27th. Just Google the guy….the nicest person in the world. Hey…check out that view of our capital in the background! What a guy!

  • how long does it take to see my picture?

  • judy kessler



    Will the guy who sent in the “Spoonie Husband” please contact me (another spoonie husband)?


    [email protected]

  • ceebee

    Love the Aussie spoonies with their koala noses!

  • That is the idea linda. great minds think alike! LOL Lets get more entries!!!!


    i uploaded twice:) the first didnt have the words on it i would like the one for sarah and audrea with the words to be put on. thanks so much. having so much fun for the first time in a long time.

  • linda

    I love looking at all of these photos. They’re beautiful each and every one of them. Christine – i think you should use them thru out the site after the contest – They say so much.

  • Rose

    HA Wendy….I beat Linda to that one. 🙂

  • Wendy

    I was looking for the same pic that linda posted of me, linda, rose and Gwen in PA, but i didn’t have to, there it was. So i have posted the pic of hte spoon garlands that me and linda made for Christines wedding to Frank! for the most spoons.

  • Michelle

    Hey Gals…just curious how many pics have been sent in…is this it so far? I better get busy with my idea….If this isn’t all of the pics, will we get to see them all? I hope so…they are all great pics. It’s nice to see the faces of other spoonies…
    Have a great pain free day!

  • Kim Ruddy

    love the pics spoonie hubby well said lol

  • totally understand Rick.

  • Great competition Christine, I would have loved to have entered the spoon image — as you asked but this bothers me — “All uploads become property of”, I don’t really want to hand over all the rights to my image. I hope you understand.


  • Christine, thanks for this creative outlet. I sent in a photo of my daughter and myself. It was taken on a day when I was in a flare, but it helped her and I find a funny moment through the pain and fatigue. Thanks again for this website. It is truly a lifesaver!!!

  • Linda, PLease use the contact us form, and we will work through it so that your photo will be submitted – Dont worry!

  • I can’t upload my photo. I get this message even if my photo is just 675 KB: Image upload failed. Your image may have been too large or there may have been another problem. Please reload the page and try again.

    I’ve uploaded other stuff from this PC today, so I don’t think it’s a problem on my end

  • Enjoying the spoonie contest pix, but having trouble uploading mine (my problem not yours). I’ll try and figure it out in time!

  • We will posting winners, and asking the winners to contact us.

  • Trish Howard

    How will you know how to contact the winner? It didn’t ask for an email or even a name when submitting the photos.

  • Yes! of course! anyway you want to enter the contest is fine. Just enter. Use your skills… photoshop, techy, creativity, work what you got!

  • Is adding “I am a Spoonie” to a photo of myself using PhotoShop allowed? I snapped a random shot just yesterday of myself with my cane that I’d like to use, but alas! no Spoonie sign.

  • I love this! Can’t wait to get involved! Time to bust out the glitter 🙂

  • Rose

    Oops! Need to read instructions better. I submitted photo without saying I was a spoonie. Delete if possible. Submitted others instead. Thanks. 🙂

  • Yes. It says in the instructions above that you can enter more then 1 photo, as long as it is different theme etc. Remember it has to somehow say “I am a spoonie”!

  • Vik

    Can I submit more than 1 photo?