May 12 is International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!

May 12 is International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!

In addition to my lupus, I also have fibromyalgia. One of my best friends was recently diagnosed with it as well. I love her. I feel that although pain and fibro is something I know a bit about, I can not help her acceptance of this diagnosis. I have seen her in pain both emotionally and physically.

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May 10th is Lupus Awareness Day! Have you loved someone with Lupus lately?

May 10th is Lupus Awareness Day! Have you loved someone with Lupus lately?

Wear orange or purple, send friends your favorite awareness websites ( ? lol) to educate, read, ask your friends to read some lupus facts, make your status a lupus support or awareness message, blog about lupus, blog about your friends with lupus, Do something nice for a person living with

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Wigs, Hats, and Make Up… Oh My! Trying to Look Better, When You Feel Bad.

We have all heard the dreaded saying "But you don't look sick?" But the last thing we want to do is walk around looking like death 24/7. It is true that when you look better you feel better, but there is a fine balance between spending tons of hours putting on full face make up, hair done, and full

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Nimble: Good things come in small packages, especially when they help you open big packages!

The old saying goes that "good things come in small packages." But when you are like me, and are best friends with the UPS delivery man; good things can come in all size packages. As someone who is chronically ill, living with lupus, fibromyalgia and a collage of other chronic illnesses; I have lear

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Christine is on Twitter @bydls and if you use the hashtag #spoonie you can connect with over 11,200 followers!

Christine is on Twitter @bydls and if you use the hashtag #spoonie you can connect with over 11,200 followers!

  There is a amazing growing community of our readers who have been using twitter to connect by using the hashtag #spoonie at the end of every post. These people are all fans of and are all somehow connected to "The spoon theory".  I personally (Christine) use t

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Look Out World... I'm Back In The Saddle Again!

Look Out World… I’m Back In The Saddle Again!

A few years ago I got thrown from my horse. OK, who am I kidding? I am a Brooklyn girl at heart, no horses for me. But literally I felt like I had, if not been thrown from my horse, I was certainly thrown off my game. Life kept throwing me obstacles and I found it harder and harder to get around the

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I am Sick, NOT Stupid.

I am Sick, NOT Stupid.

Many years ago I heard a joke that was going around and it went like this. A guy was going home from the auto mechanic and just as he was passing a psychiatric center, a wheel fell off his car. He stopped, surveyed the situation and realized that the mechanic must have been distracted and never p

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No Rhyme or Reason. I have done all I can do.

No Rhyme or Reason. I have done all I can do.

What to do when you have done everything, and still feel like crap. There are days when I feel really crappy. Maybe I didn’t take my meds on time or I overdid the day before. What I really hate is when I seem to have done everything right and I still feel so wrong. The other day the weather was

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The Spoon Theory written by Christine Miserandino

The Spoon Theory written by Christine Miserandino

Please take the time to read Christine Miserandino's personal story and analogy of what it is like to live with sickness or disability. Click HERE to download "The Spoon Theory" in PDF format. The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino My best friend and I were in t

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Christine Miserandino featured in Johnson & Johnson's first Lupus video on their dedicated YouTube health channel!

Christine Miserandino featured in Johnson & Johnson’s first Lupus video on their dedicated YouTube health channel!

I am honored to say I was chosen to be featured in Johnson & Johnson Network's first Lupus video. They already have a huge catalog of informative, non branded videos on their health dedicated youtube channel... but now we can finally add Lupus to the list of health, disease and medical topics!

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