What is Lupus? Lupus Definition

What is Lupus? Lupus Definition

With Everyone Asking "What is Lupus?" Lately.... Here is a Simple Lupus Definition Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood, and kidneys. The body's immune system normally makes proteins called antibodies to protect th

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Dear Lady Gaga: a Love Letter from a Lupus Patient

Dear Lady Gaga: a Love Letter from a Lupus Patient

Dear Lady Gaga, I just finished watching your interview with Larry King on CNN. If you knew me, you would know that running to the computer and vocalizing my thoughts to family, friends and even to you is nothing unusual! I have chosen to step up and “out” (so to speak) about my life with Lup

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“Vanity” a poem by Shanelle Gabriel

I found this video on youtube last night. (Yes, I couldn't sleep again) But I feel that maybe I was meant to find this video and share it with all of you. The video shows a performance of live poetry by Shanelle Gabriel from Brooklyn, NY. Not only did I identify completely with her words and experie

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Book Review: Living with Lupus - The Complete Guide (2nd edition- revised and updated)

Book Review: Living with Lupus – The Complete Guide (2nd edition- revised and updated)

May is Lupus Awareness Month! How Will You Spread Awareness? By Sheldon Paul Blau, MD and Dodi Schultz In my opinion, this is one of the most current, valuable books published on living with Lupus. I found it to be very informative and easy to read, without speaking in thick, confusing medical jar

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Lupus in the Media: Television Shows, Movies and More Where Lupus Was Featured or Part of the Character or Storyline

Lupus in the Media: Television Shows, Movies and More Where Lupus Was Featured or Part of the Character or Storyline

Even after House, M.D.has mentioned the word Lupus in almost every episode of the television show, Lupus is still not a well known disease. I know a little part of me jumped up and got all excited when I heard the word Lupus on TV the first time. I will never forget the moment. I thought that maybe

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Lupus In The Media: Famous People Living with Lupus

Lupus In The Media: Famous People Living with Lupus

Lupus is not a well known disease. It is one of the diseases that many people whisper about in fancy medical shows, but never really talk about until someone they know is diagnosed. When I was a child, I always wished more famous people admitted having lupus, to help bring some much needed awareness

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Excuse Me For Saying It, But Lupus Sucks!

Excuse Me For Saying It, But Lupus Sucks!

May is Lupus Awareness Month! How Will You Spread Awareness? My daughter Christine has a tee shirt with the above logo emblazened on it, and I have always disliked the crudeness of that phrase. Every time she wore that shirt I would wince and tell her how I hated that expression, but she would just

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May is Lupus Awareness Month! How Will You Spread Awareness? Although lupus can affect any part of the body, most people experience symptoms in only a few organs. This list has the most common symptoms of people with lupus. SYMPTOMS OF LUPUS: Symptoms Occurrence Achy joints (arthralgia) 9

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Sick Humor: You know you have Lupus or (an Invisible Disease) when...

Sick Humor: You know you have Lupus or (an Invisible Disease) when…

May is Lupus Awareness Month! This funny list was written by the members of our message boards It made me laugh, and I wanted to share it with all of you. Sometimes it pays to have a sense of humor! Any conversation can suddenly turn into a round of "Charades". A "good hair day" is whe

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Lupus Walk Update: Sometimes when it rains, you need to make rainbows! TEAM CHRISTINE raised $10,145 for the Lupus Walk

Lupus Walk Update: Sometimes when it rains, you need to make rainbows! TEAM CHRISTINE raised $10,145 for the Lupus Walk

I am so happy to announce that TEAM CHRISTINE raised $10,945 for the Lupus Walk!!!! Thank you everyone for your donations and support! As, of now we are the top fundraising team for this walk as we have been for many years. What a great legacy and tradition. We still have some checks comin in-- so h

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