Watch the video from the #140conf State of Now in NYC where Christine spoke about Lupus


I spoke on June 16th at the #140conf in NYC with Amanda Greene, Brenda Blackmon, and Kelly Dawn. Our panel was called “the lupus ladies of twitter”. We spoke about how social media has not only brought us together as a panel from across the country, but about how social media (twitter, facebook, email, messageboards and websites like this one!) have brought together the lupus community and even the chronically ill community as a whole. We have used technology to network, share tips and share support.  If you didn’t get to see the panel live, below is the video. I hope you enjoy it!!

You might remember from an earlier post I made that I wasn’t sure what to wear to the event. You can read the post here. I really coudn’t decide until last minute- I guess you will have to see the video to find out what I did!

I try to make a difference right from my pajamas

This was one of the most memorable moments of the summer for me. It was amazing to speak, but it was also an incredible chance to meet other people who are trying to use social media for social good. If you aren’t already, follow me on twitter! When you tweet make sure to use the symbol #spoonie so that we can all support each other!

  • Natty

    I am so, so, so thrilled that you put your pyjamas on!
    well done for being so brave!
    your pjs were much better than your dress! 🙂
    your website has changed my life!
    thank you
    big spoony hugs