Christine Miserandino and “The Spoon Theory” featured in New York Newsday


Christine Miserandino founder of and author of “The Spoon Theory” was featured in New York Newsday on Sunday May 1, 2011. We know that many of our readers wanted to see this, but could not access the website directly to see and read the article. We have attached article and photo below.

Just click on images above to see picture larger, or to read txt.

To find Christine: on facebook or on Twitter

  • Linda Hiatt

    to Barbara, yes I live in High Point. You are right, I have stopped trying to explain, but now maybe I will use this.

    Not to dismay anyone but, fibromyalgia is not an illness, nor is Chronic fatigue or a lot of other pseudonyms for inflamation in a certain part of the body, like arthritis. Itis means inflamation, myalgia is pain from body wide inflamation because of an infection or two or three or many. These can be viral or bacterial or fungal,or allergic and maybe more.

    I’m not trying to scare anyone, but I have been sick for so many years
    I don’t know which year it all actually started. I had scarlet fever when I was nine, they had just discovered penicillin, which messed up my digestive track, which is where the major part of your immune system lives. And so on and so on, now I
    have lyme disease which is an inflamatory bacteria plus several
    of it’s co-infections. I will look this up when I’m through here, but I think scarlet fever is a viral illness-not bacterial and should not be treated with anti-biotic. Anyone who has fever blister should be treated with anti-virals. A lot of skin issues are caused by fungus or virus, our doctors simply don’t treat them.

    You have to do your research and be sure that you get the correct treatment. It would be a GOOD idea to go to a naturapathic MD. They are the only ones that look at the whole body illness.

    Wishing everyone a great summer, STAY AWAY FROM TICKS,

  • Wondering if anyone who read Christine’s article has Fibromylgia &
    lives in N.C.? Really enjoyed the piece u wrote.This could b a good article 4 those of us with “any”chronic illness 2 send 2 friends and family. FM is “really” hard 2 explain 2 people.And sometimes I get really tired of trying.

  • Jennifer Doyle

    Congratulations on a great article! You inspire so many many people. Your readers like myself are so blessed to have you. Hope you are feeling well. Have a wonderful week and God bless you! With love, Jennifer

  • Beth Hunley

    Thank you for letting us read this article. And thank you for all you do for the Lupus community…

  • S.

    Fantastic! Thank you christine for all that you do =)

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