Today I was on the radio for National Invisible Illness Week talking about Organizing Tips & Parenting When Ill


Today I was on the radio for National Invisible Illness Week talking about Organizing Tips & Parenting When Ill. The first half of the show was organizing tips (I def need to go re-listen to that one!). The 2nd half of the show Jill Hart joined Lisa Copen to talk about parenting. Lisa and Jill shared a little about how hard it can be to find the right balance between raising a compassionate kid as well as not wanting them to be the “parent” to an ill parent. Christine Miserandino and Kelly Young joined a few minutes late but Christine shared how the reason was because she’d literally just gotten home from the pediatrician with her daughter who is 3. (She is ok.) She spoke about how important it is to have a emergency plan in place for when things like your child becoming ill happens.

Kelly shared about how a child is not like a cake mix (listen to learn more!) and then the women shared a little bit about how they are a mom, someone with an illness, AND a patient advocate online (when do they write and how do they do it all?)

One caller explained how the session had been encouraging as she and her spouse were considering if they should have a child or not. Lisa encouraged her to make the decision from the heart along with her spouse and not to give outside influences too much weight in the choice.

We closed the program with Lisa saying she’d love to have them all back sometime soon for a more in depth time, as they all are an amazing group of women with lots to share.

Although I did not have time to promote the show before it aired live, we do have it archived and you can listen to it by clicking below! It was a great panel of women that Christine was so proud to be apart of.

*sneak peek* After numerous suggestions and requests, we will be starting a radio show soon. You can connect with us now on blogtalkradio so that you will be first to hear us when we go live!

  • Thanks, Christine, it was such fun to have you on and I appreciated all you shared (and loved hearing your accent… I know, what accent, right?)