Healthy Snack Review: Delicious and Unique “Peeled Snacks” dried fruit snacks


I am now a dried fruit junkie and snacks like these from Peeled Fruits do not help my addiction! This is a relatively young company and their enthusiasm shows! First of all, I loved the bold, funky packaging. Dried fruit usually seems so boring and well, lifeless. Dried fruit is a natural source of fiber, so I wanted to find new ways to add them to my diet. The bags from peeled snacks seem to jump right out at me and look appetizing before I even opened the bag. The pieces of fruit are certainly a mouth full- you do not feel like you are getting cheated. The portions are good, but the size of the actual fruit pieces are what makes it even better.

They have NO added sugar or oil, no Trans fats, hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors or colors. In the combo packs of varying fruit and nuts, the nuts are packed separately so they stay crunchy and the fruit stays moist. BRILLIANT!! I hate when you have salty dry fruit or weird tasting nuts, when you buy a mix pack from the store. I know it sounds simple, but I want my apples to taste like apples and my walnuts to taste like walnuts. A simple request for food to taste like it should, that so many get wrong. Peeled snacks have easily fixed this problem with a separate bag for the nuts within the package. You can eat them separate, or mix the bag all up like I did. Instead of the more typical, or dare I say boring, flavors like apples and almonds that you usually see at your local grocer, Peeled Snacks carries such a fun variety of combinations. Try all the dried fruit like; pears, big cherries, figs, and dates.
I personally have a big trip planned and I am already starting to get ready. Ten people, all from my husband’s side of the family, will be on a flight with me, my chronic pain, and my baby daughter. I am dreading the trip. I know once we are there everyone will have a great time. It is the quest to go where you want to…..ahhh that is where lies the problem. Who should sit next to who? Who picked a place to eat? Who wants to do what? The fact is when you are traveling with a group larger than four or five, you need to plan for chaos. Now if it doesn’t happen, God Bless! But most of the time, people are fighting, kids are cranky, tired, thirsty and uncomfortable. I am already having an anxiety attack jut thinking of going on this fabulous trip. Instead of going to a shrink, taking drugs, or picking fights… I am going to solve all family trips forever!!! You heard it hear first. Christine Officially states that from this point on she will be the “Snack Queen”. Her duties will include bringing enough snacks to handle the tummies of my crew. I will have the snacks pre-portioned, so no fights about sharing, and there will be a variety of flavors and textures to choose from.
I can not say anything bad about this company and product. They quite simply made good food, that is good for you.
My daughter’s birthday party is next month and you know what I will be serving!! I will get pretty bowls and fill them with fruits and nuts along with cut up cheeses. It makes such a pretty platter. I am even more excited to see if our youngest guests get a kick out of them. I want an occasion like a birthday to be festive, but healthy too. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice fun for food. Why can’t you have both?
If you are like me, and quickly become addicted to snacks then you must check out there site to find out where you can buy them. I am unfortunately one of the few shoppers who do not have a Peeled Snack seller near me. So now I know if I have a big order, I order direct from Peeled Snacks. If I am shopping around on I order them there.
We here at ALWAYS do our best to support work at home moms, or to help products or companies that give to the greater good by giving products, volunteering their time, or are generous financially to charities and organizations close to our hearts. It is so important to support the organizations and businesses who “do the right thing”.
This is a company that I am proud to get to know. Not only is their dried fruit some of the tastiest we have ever had, but their philanthropic efforts should be admired:
Peeled Snacks:
We will be partnering with the American Diabetes Association again for the second year in a row for their Tour de Cure Ride this summer. For more information about the ADA or the Tour de Cure Ride, visit
This year Peeled Snacks is once again a Silver Sponsor of the NY NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Walk on May 10, 2008. To join our team or help with sponsorship, email [email protected]. For more information about NAMI please
Peeled Snacks is a proud sponsor of the Breath of Hope Foundation, Inc. Recently Peeled Snacks made a contribution to the Breath of Hope Foundation auction that raises money for awareness and support for children living with asthma. For more information about Breath of Hope Foundation, visit
Recently Peeled Snacks made a contribution to City Year, a program in New York City dedicated to uniting young people of all backgrounds for a year of community service, providing them with skills to change the world. To learn more about city year, visit
Peeled Snacks partnered with Bikram Yoga to help sponsor the 5th Annual Tri-state Regional Asana Championship in January 2008.
Last Holiday season, Peeled Snacks donated a portion of proceeds from sales of our Holiday Gift Boxes to The American Diabetes Association. We will be partnering with the American Diabetes Association for their Tour de Cure Ride this summer. For more information about the ADA or the Tour de Cure Ride visit
Peeled Snacks is a Silver Sponsor of the NY NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Walk on May 12, 2007. To join our team or help with sponsorship, email [email protected]. For more information about NAMI please visit:
I highly recommend this product. Go now and buy some. Try putting some on your kitchen counter, in your pocketbook, back pack, car, or take some with you to the gym. Wherever you think you might need a snack.
You can buy yours from (free shipping over $50) or from right now:

Review written by: Christine Miserandino,© 2008

  • Carol

    Thanks for telling us about this. I’m coming to the states and I really didn’t want to bring bags of prunes with me. I’ll look for these in the supermarket near my parents’.