Easy Summer Recipe: Tastes-Almost-Like-Ice-Cream Recipe
Happy Summer!
Since I have to watch my fat intake, I haven’t had full bodied, high fat ice cream in ten years, and eat low fat, but still high calorie frozen yogurt only a few times a year. Here’s a simple, healthy, non-fat alternative I indulge in, frequently. It’s especially delicious on hot summer days. You can use any blender, but the best results come from a Vitamix high performance blender.
1. Cut up your favorite fruit into ice cube sized chunks. I like using bananas, any kind of berry (no chunking needed), melons, and peaches.
2. Put the pieces in a freezer bag and leave them in the freezer until they get good and frozen.
3. For one serving, put one cup of non-fat milk in the blender (I haven’t tried juice, but would guess that works too) along with a handful of the frozen fruit. You can add more fruit for a thicker drink.
4. Turn the blender on a low speed initially and slowly increase the speed, as needed, until all the fruit is well blended. I think the trick is to blend it at the lowest speed possible.
5. Pour into a glass and grab a spoon.
Submitted by Barbara Kivowitz, Butyoudontlooksick.com, © 2008