Easy Chicken and Dumplings Recipe


Being a Southern girl, I love comfort food especially when I am feeling badly. It takes me back to when I was little and sick, and my mom making this dish to make me feel better. The only difference is she would do this from scratch and I just don’t have the energy or the inclination. This is quick and easy.

In a big pot or dutch oven pour 3 cans of chicken broth ( regular or low sodium- your choice) add a cup of water and add frozen dumplings, which can be purchased from the frozen breads section of your grocer and cook per
instructions on the package.
While the dumplings are cooking, take a roasted chicken purchased from the deli or grocer and pull off and shred it or use a knife and cut in chunks, whichever you prefer. Put aside until the dumplings are complete.
Once the dumplings are done add the chicken and let simmer just a couple of minutes and serve while hot.
Enjoy a quick, filling meal in about 20-30 minutes.
Recipe submitted by Stefanie Mullins (from our message boards)

  • WoW!! I don’t like dumplings but my husband & grand daughter do, now I can make them without falling over, they haven’t had them in a long time! Thanks so much for posting!!