Contest time! Be on the look out for some great new contests this month to celebrate our 8 year Anniversary



I am feeling very grateful today. In a world when living with chronic illness can get you down, I am choosing to think positive and hopefully pass those positive vibes on to you! I am grateful for my life, my daughter, my family, my friends, and for the website I never dreamed would be what it is for so many around the world. I want to celebrate and have some fun. What fun is good stuff, if you don’t pass it on! So without even knowing it… some new friends of mine sponsored some of these contests by their generosity- and I am “paying it forward”.

I will be posting more contests as the days go on, and as I brainstorm a bit… drumroll please!  Our first contest!

1. Facebook *CONTEST* We are giving away a $25 gift certificate to one lucky winner chosen at random! It is a simple EASY contest. If you have bought through our store , received as a gift or received at a conference any official T shirts, hats, bags, etc or an official bydls pewter spoon pin then you can enter! Just go to our facebook fan page and “like” us, then take a picture of yourself and make sure to TAG the photo to’s fan page. Say your name and where you are from, or maybe how you got your spoonie gear! winner will be chosen by the amount of likes each picture gets by August Friday the 19th noon EST picture with the most likes wins!  Yay!

I would like to thank likeablemedia  and CEO Cary Chessick for the inspiration and the sponsorship (#tweetitforward)

PLEASE feel free to email, tweet, facebook, or tell any of your friends that you think would be interested in this contest!




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