Thank you to the friends/ supporters of the Lupus Gala Brunch!

Thank you to the friends of Christine and for donating items for the fundraising raffle at the Lupus Gala Brunch this past weekend. Your generosity helped make the event a huge success! Please support the following companies, and if you do shop from them, please tell them that

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Protected: A Husband’s Perspective – Lupus Advocacy Day – Washington, DC

I am proud of my wife, Christine. I am proud of the work she does for the Lupus Alliance, this website, and for our family. I am proud of her passion to help others, and the impact she has had on so many people through her speaking engagements, and of course, through I had

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Project Linus: My Blankie and Me

Linus Van Pelt, the security blanket donning Peanuts character was once known to say, “I know there is a lesson to be learned here somewhere, but I don't know what it is.” Linus obviously didn’t know how right he was when he uttered that remark while clutching his blankie, thumb in mouth. Life

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