The list below are toll free phone numbers for health information (US, unless stated otherwise). This alphabetical list might help you in your quest for more disease specific medical information.
1-800-Toll Free Numbers for Health Information
Al-Anon/Alateen World Service Office Headquarters,
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Helpful Medical Abbreviations
On the message boards, our Facebook Fan Page, reading our main site/ online magazine, or in day to day conversations, you may find that people use many abbreviations when talking about a diagnosis, a medication or other phrases. This alphabetical list might help yo
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May is Lupus Awareness Month! How Will You Spread Awareness?
I used to get more confused and upset by the words surrounding this disease then Lupus itself. Hopefully the following list of terms will help you. These terms that are generally associated with the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of l
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I always see people wearing ribbons or bracelets to support different organizations/ disease awareness, and I wonder what color is for what? It can be confusing. Some colors and awareness ribbons have multiple meanings. We did the best we could to compile a list of colors and meanings from multiple
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I have lived with lupus for the last 16 years. I am now 31. For most of my life I have had people ask me “what lupus was?” I tried to explain as many of the readers of this site know with “The Spoon Theory”. But that just explains life, not necessarily lupus. I always figured people only ask
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Every month usually has an "awareness" campaign associated with it. A time of year, when during that month or week that organization combines their efforts to get information out to the public. For example October is Lupus Awareness Month and also Breast Cancer Awareness. You might notice more publi
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Listed below are links to several recommended Lupus Resources.
to Prepare for a Doctor's Visit - Written by Christine Miserandino
Alliance of Long Island/ Queens - My Local Chapter of Lupus Alliance.
Foundation of America
Alliance of America
- kid friend
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