Product Review: KitchenAid Professional Fruit Slicer

Recently, I have begun the journey of trying to incorporate more fruits into my daily diet. The problem I faced most often was slicing or peeling them, because of the painful arthritis in my hands. I began my search in one of my favorite places in the world..... the kitchen wares store. I could hone

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Product Review: Sugar Please Automatic Sugar Dispenser

Whoever thought of this great new gadget must have been sitting next to me at the diner, whenever I angrily rip open one of those sugar packets. Either I tear it and sugar flies everywhere, or I can't get the darn things open at all. Even worse than those packets, are those huge glass jars with th

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Product Review: Antiscald Temperature Actuated Flow Reducers

Many people who face neurological disabilities, including the elderly and children, have trouble feeling when the temperature of water is too hot. Recently, I have (minimally) burnt myself, not realizing how hot the bath tub water was and so I was recommended to try an "anti-scald" device on my sho

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