There I was, pregnant in Germany with no family, friends or even an unpacked house. My husband was in Kosovo on a peacekeeping tour for 6 months and my flares got worse and worse. I was having Braxton-Hicks already in my second month and even when my husband did come home he was of limited use at be
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Well our little one is beginning to crawl, and before I know it she will be running all over the house! I started to look for baby safety gates not only for her safety, but for my energy. I do not want her to fall down stairs etc, but I also know that I do not have the energy to run all over the hou
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Story Time felts are a wonderful, new creative way of telling stories and encouraging imagination with your child. There is a felt back board with a scene on it and then felt "puppets" to help tell the story. The fabric is great for younger children to learn textures and free play, while older child
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As a proud and excited new grandma, I have recently been on the lookout for any products that will keep my little one safe. Chicks & Cubs is a home based business run by a mother who knows a good product when she sees one.
Unfortunately in the world we live in now, there seem to be more dangers th
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Still want to wear the cool low rise jeans you have always loved? Hate walking into the maternity section of the clothing store in fear of elastic waist bands. Well have no fear...Belly Ups are here.
Belly Ups are unique little suspenders that attach from your bra to your pants to hold up the low
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This is by far the best invention I have ever seen. When I go out with my son and use this, we invariably get great comments and are always asked where they can get one.
What is it? It's this mat that suctions to a table surface and has a trough that hangs over the edge. When you are done you can
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Whoever thought of this great new gadget must have been sitting next to me at the diner, whenever I angrily rip open one of those sugar packets. Either I tear it and sugar flies everywhere, or I can't get the darn things open at
Even worse than those packets, are those huge glass jars with th
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Story Time Felts are made by a company that believes in a hands on approach to learning. Their slogan is "Story Time is Together Time."
Their catalog contains felt dolls and clothing, story pieces, calandar and job charts, as well as educational thematic backgrounds with coordinating pieces; like
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As a single mom of a 2 1/2 year old, I find it difficult to always pick up my child when he can't walk anymore, or to tote an umbrella stroller around with me through crowded places, like a farmer's markets, where I need to keep an eye on him. Further more, I like to have him close by, so what is a
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