We have all heard the dreaded saying "But you don't look sick?" But the last thing we want to do is walk around looking like death 24/7. It is true that when you look better you feel better, but there is a fine balance between spending tons of hours putting on full face make up, hair done, and full
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We have all heard the dreaded saying "But you don't look sick?" But the last thing we want to do is walk around looking like death 24/7. It is true that when you look better you feel better, but there is a fine balance between spending tons of hours putting on full face make up, hair done, and full
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The old saying goes that "good things come in small packages." But when you are like me, and are best friends with the UPS delivery man; good things can come in all size packages. As someone who is chronically ill, living with lupus, fibromyalgia and a collage of other chronic illnesses; I have lear
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My father turned 66 this summer and I decided to get him a gift that was both unique and memorable. He has a great interest in family history and saved some mementos from his mother’s estate. In an old worn out shipping box in the basement I found a small reel of old fashioned video film: the kind
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At a conference I recently attended, I was given this headset to try out. After my recent stroke and history of migraines I usually hate in ear buds, or headsets because they never seem comfortable or the noise sets me off. I was willing to give this headset a fresh new try when I heard
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I have a secret. I am sleeping with something new in my bed and my nights have never been better!
Now, that I have gotten your attention, let me tell you about my new pillow! I have never been as confident, to encourage my readers to go out and purchase something, but this product h
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I have a secret. I am sleeping with something new in my bed and my nights have never been better!
Now, that I have gotten your attention, let me tell you about my new pillow! I have never been as confident, to encourage my readers to go out and purchase something, but this product h
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I am one of those unlucky women that have been plagued by adult acne for my entire life. I have joked with my dermatologist that I will soon be his oldest living acne patient. Although I am a mom, I sometimes feel like I have the skin of a teenager. When will it end? Through the years I have tried e
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I recently received a new phone system and I am in love. Who knew such a simple thing as a phone could make your life so much easier, and any mom knows that she needs to make her life easier.The VTech phone system, model LS6475-3 is a cordless hands free phone, with two handsets. I first loved it be
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It can be tricky when you are on a special diet, like gluten-free or are simply trying to eat healthier. Seems like the most nutritious foods aren't very appealing, and the most yummy goodies are nothing more than empty calories that derail you from your goals. And what about convenience? You want
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