Be Your Own Boss! My Experience With Avon


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We have received a lot of positive feedback from our recent article titled “Do you need a job? Consider hiring yourself!” In fact, I would like to share some of my own personal experiences with self employment.

Times are tough, and we could all use a little more income. I decided to look into a few different ways that I could make some extra money without conforming to someone else’s schedule or demands. After spending some time speaking to friends and family and hearing various success stories, failures, (and of course a few exaggerations in each direction) I finally decided on becoming an Avon representative.

I was a bit intimidated to start. As a disabled mother of a very active toddler, I was concerned with start up costs, and the turnaround time for my application. To my surprise, my account was activated within 24 hours, and my total investment to get started was a whopping ten dollars. For ten dollars, you can become a representative for a trusted and reputable organization. For a few dollars a month, Avon will also furnish you with a fully functional e-commerce website so that your customers can order online anytime and have items shipped directly through them, in additional to the traditional method of ordering through you and having you deliver the items to your customers.

Other network marketing companies seemed to focus their business around one product, or one specific demographic. Avon carries an extensive line of produces from their classic and popular cosmetics to clothing, accessories, even jewelry. So even if your customers have chemical sensitivities and do not want to use the make up or lotions etc. there are still some wonderful products to shop from. The company offers products for both men and women of all ages. The best part? Their products are actually useful and competitively priced. Some of the products I like are:

  • Have you seen all those television commercials for the Anew line of skin care? I use it and I love the cleanser and night cream.
  • Skin So Soft Bug Guard, the wildly popular and effective insect repellent that I’ve used since I was a little girl.
  • Naturals Lip Balm, the best lip balm that a dollar can buy.
  • I use this pill bottle magnifier all the time to read the small type on the label. Sometimes it has been a lifesaver. It is so cheap I bought one for my pocketbook, and one for my medicine cabinet.
  • The Sharper Image® Digital Camera is a good example of a great gift item that is not a lotion or cosmetic at a great price!
  • Now that I am trying to excersize more (even just walking) I love that Avon now carries so many of the Curves® brand items.


As a representative, you are also eligible for discounts on the products that you purchase for your own use, which can really add up over time and easily justifies the ten dollar startup cost. Why not receive discounts on the products you already know and use?

In these tough economic times, it’s important to keep an open mind and think outside the box. Avon gives me the flexibility I need to run an effective business on my terms. If you are interested in becoming an Avon representative, simply click here for more information.

If you would like to help me start my business on a great foot, by shopping with me, please click here to visit my very own Avon online store! Right now there is a great Free Shipping offer, as well as prices starting as low as $1 for some classic items like lip gloss and hand lotion.

*Please note that this is my personal experience with the company. I am giving you a glimpse into my experience with this work at home opportunity. I know many people have different opinions and experiences, I can only write about my own. As many of us are low on funds, and are home alot these types of opportunities may cross your mind. We will try and feature more companies in the future.
Christine Miserandino,

  • Vince Timm

    Good article. Enjoyed reading about your experience and the products you like most. Avon is a very serious option and is in the top 10 multi-level marketing companies. It works in many other countries too.

  • Rambling Rose

    What a joke. I used to think Avon was reputable, but I have been spending months trying to return items and am getting nowhere. The person who sold them to me (and still has some of the items to be returned) has ignored me; I have been ignored by the DSM and had only al little contact with the DSM’s assistant, who doesn’t seem to know what to do. Avon makes it nearly impossible to get hold of anyone in customer service by phone.

  • I work 40 hours a week and started my own jewelry business with Premier Designs back in August of 2007. I had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in December of 2006 and there were various reasons for me taking on the jewelry business, but one of them being to create a business that had good earning potential and flexibility for my health needs.

    I LOVE MY JEWELRY BUSINESS!!! There are some wonderful opportunites for working for yourself other than just Avon. It’s just a matter of finding what works for you.

  • Tammy Shannen

    Hey, I tried Avon for awhile, but I ended up being my best customer, and owing myself LOL – but I might try it again just to give me something to do durring the day. It might feel good to be working agian (and at my own hours). Thanx for the reminder of a good option ^.^

  • Karen M

    For those on disability in Canada, specifically CPP Disability benefits, as of 2008 you are allowed to increase your income by about $4,400 a year before your benefits are affected. I have CF and have worked the past year as a school crossing guard.
    Also, if you do go back to work and make more than the $4400, and CPP is cancelled, there is a “fast track” procedure – within three years, should your health deteriorate and you must quit the job, your benefits are automatically reinstated with no wait time or reapplying. I suggest anyone wishing to try going back to work or supplementing your income call the government ISP office (Income Security Programmes)for more info.

  • I sold AVON for many years and found it to be a rewarding business. I never made a large sum of money, but there were many months I made quite a bit that stretched what we already had.
    Due to chemical sensitivities, I can no longer sell fragrance products, but I have moved on to something else that I can believe in.
    For the person who asked about disability, I am on disability. Please go to the site and read up on your rights as a disabled person to work and how much you can make. Also, with a business, there are many expenses that can be absorbed by the business. This is an individual thing that can’t really be discussed in comments.
    However, this is my goal in life as I continue on. I would like to see more disabled, chronically ill people self-employed and supported by a national association. I am not sure if there is one already, but I am looking!
    It has taken me many years to get here, but my ultimate goal is to make too much to be able to get disability. That goal is not around the corner, but I am having fun while I learn and grow.
    Congratulations on your new-found business and I will see if I can send some online AVON customers your way!
    Take care.

  • Being your own boss is a wonderful blessing for someone with an “invisible” illness. A few years ago, with the enthusiastic support of my family and friends, I turned a passive hobby into an online business. Years have passed, and it continues to bring me endless joy, making something beautiful with materials I love, and keeping me busy on my good days.
    Congratulations on your Avon store, and may it bring you joy as well as income.
    All the best-

  • Hey there! I’ve considered doing this since I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension in addition to my mixed connective tissue, but I’ve been concerned about what that would do to my disability income. Are you on disability? Do you know what adding a small income would do to affect disability benefits? I collect less than $1000 a month from SSDI, so if I were to do the Avon deal, I would need to make more than what I’m getting now to justify losing my benefits.

  • Go you!
    Avon is the reliable grandmother of independent sales representatives. Their products are good, prices reasonable, setup sounds like it’s excellent and I’ve known many Avon successes in my life.
    I never even considered Avon because I’m not that interested in grooming or grooming aids — in my own life I keep that down to a bare minimum so that I can get art supplies and things of greater interest to me. I don’t use scents, so all the aftershave sets and all don’t really grab me.
    However, you mentioned one product I might need next summer — the bug spray could be something important if we do get to go on one of the Camp Gaia festival camping trips. I’ll be sure to order from you if the trip comes through.
    It’s great that you get a website for those orders too. I’m going to go bookmark your store and see if there’s any other practical stuff that’d make sense. I remember they used to have these great red glass goblets that candles came in, but once the candle was used up the goblet was still a cool goblet. That and candlesticks could be interesting.