What is the perfect gift to give, when you want to give the most memorable gift?


My father turned 66 this summer and I decided to get him a gift that was both unique and memorable. He has a great interest in family history and saved some mementos from his mother’s estate. In an old worn out shipping box in the basement I found a small reel of old fashioned video film: the kind with the little holes along the side and came in a yellowish 3 inch by 3 inch cardboard box. I know we didn’t have the machine to play it, so that’s why it just sat in the shipping box for years buried under old papers and photos from generations ago. I picked it up and saw the postal date of 1952. I decided to send it out just to “give it a shot” as to what YesVideo could do. I kinda felt like, it was better to try and do something wonderful with it, then to let it sit in the basement and do nothing and possibly get more damaged. After I sent it in, I just waited with hope and excitement. I knew in my heart that if this little project worked then I just achieved the impossible and got my father the best gift ever. Who wants to give him another tie, or book or coffee mug he will never use?

yesvideo-logoUsing YesVideo’s service is so easy that seriously anyone can do it. Even my 6 year old was excited when this big blue box came, we read the simple instructions, labeled our videos, put them in the big box, and put it back in the mail.  When it was returned just a short time later, I received back the DVD from YesVideo. I rushed to the computer, put the DVD in and saw my father as a child of 4 years old. It was so crazy to see these old dusty reels come to life! There were his sisters and brothers playing in a little canvas wading pool on the cement in the backyard of my Grandmother’s house. As adults the siblings had not seen each other in years and here I going to surprise him with a memory.

At the birthday party, the candles were lite, blown out, the cake was cut and then the gifts presented. He picked up my wrapped gift, turned it over and joked that it was a music DVD. When he opened it a quizzed look appeared on his face. He placed it into my computer and then the memories flowed. I was able to show my father a DVR of him and his siblings from almost 62 years ago. We were all crying, not only did he get a gift, but had had a “gift”in sharing those memories with us, including showing his granddaughter what he looked like at her age.

His teary eyes were thanks enough.

If you want some great ideas for gifts using video, you should check out the YesVideo facebook page where so many other moms talk about their projects. The customer care people were pretty nice and quick to help too. I was even able to get some answers quick on the YesVideo twitter if that is more your style.

For more information on  Yes Video click here: YesVideo – Who we are


This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and YesVideo. I received the featured service free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.

Author: Christine Miserandino

Christine Miserandino is the founder of butyoudontlooksick.com. She has won numerous awards for her writing. She has been featured in newspapers, magazines and television. She was a guest expert for Alliance Health, LupusConnect.com and community TV host for WebMD.com. She prides herself on being a patient advocate, Online Influencer, and health brand ambassador but her favorite role is that of a mommy. You can find her at @bydls on twitter or on facebook. 


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  • Janet

    What a great idea! We have boxes of slides my father took, he never had prints made, it was always slides, And he took a LOT of pictures. He’s gone now but my mom isn’t, nor are my sisters.

  • Kat

    You gave an unbelievable gift to your dad. It has to be the best gift anyone ever gave him. Great going!