Kama Sutra Massage Oil: My Beauty Secret For Dry Skin
When one hears Kama Sutra Massage oil, one might think of hot monkey love. Not me. I think ahh soft hands and feet and relief to my reptilian scaly dry skin.
I have Scleroderma and my most severe symptom since 1992 had been Raynaud’s. Raynaud’s causes the sympathetic nerves surrounding blood vessels to constrict so much, it stops blood flow. The most common place affected by this are the fingers and toes, but it can affect any blood vessel in the body, but that is rare (so if you have Raynaud’s, take a breath, relax and just keep taking your meds as directed.) Raynaud’s is also the “R” in CREST syndrome- but that’s a whole other article.
Because of years of attacks and periods of denial when I did not take my meds as directed, my hands are covered in scar tissue. The sebaceous glands which keep moisture in my hands appear to be destroyed. My skin is painfully dry. I have used paraffin baths, Vaseline, Amlactase and more brands of lotions than I can count to try and keep my hands from looking and feeling like steel wool. Then I found Kama Sutra Sweet Almond Oil about 4 years ago. It is the only thing that keeps my hands feeling like hands. I have used other products in its place when I run out and within 36 hours, my hands are back to being dry and snaggy.
How I use it: I apply after a shower and right before bed. Massage it in if you can. If the salon I get my pedicures or manicures does not use it, I will bring it along and ask them to use it for the massage portion. The only problem I have with it is when I apply before bed, I sometimes apply too much and them I become greasy hands McGhee and leave finger prints everywhere. That can be fixed by wiping fingertips with a dry cotton towel after application. So, that’s my beauty secret for beautiful moisturized scarred and contractured fingers. It’s also great for simply dry hands. It can be found in beauty supply stores and online at http://www.kamasutra.com/sensualmassage/massageoils.lasso
Article written by staff writer, Karen Vasquez
Karen Vasquez is a mom of a 7 year old son, writer, blogger and patient. Symptoms of tingling and blue fingers baffled Navy doctors in 1992. She was diagnosed with Scleroderma at age 23 in 1994. Then in 2007 she was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis. Karen has had her share of medical “adventures” and tries to find the humor in them wherever she can. She can be found on twitter at @karenOvasquez or at http://sclerodermasarcoidosisandboxwine.blogspot.com
Roberta Perry
Nan J.