Thank you to for featuring “The Spoon Theory”

Thank you to for mentioning my essay "The Spoon Theory" in My Life With Multiple Sclerosis By Susan Hines-Brigger. We Just became aware of  this article although it was published May 2010. Susan wrote an amazing article about living with MS and some lessons she has learned alon

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Traveling Thoughts Through a Different Set of Eyes

Traveling Thoughts Through a Different Set of Eyes

A teenage girl was rolled in a wheelchair out to the plane in front of the other passengers, picked up and fireman carried up the steps into the plane and placed in her seat. All the time she and her travel companion had a big smile. They thanked the worker who carried her and sent a smile to the li

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Poetry: Fibro

Poetry: Fibro

A poem submitted by one of our writers and she also has been reading our site for some time now. She lives with Fibromyalgia. Fibro, A poem. Could you imagine being 20 years old, 30 years old, And being stuck in the body of a 90 year old?    Watching your skin turn to hell and flake, away

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Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace Oh My! on the web!

Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace Oh My! on the web!

We love being connected with our readers! Since we have added those "handy dandy" features at the bottom of every article, we have noticed our readers have shared our articles, posted them on their personal profiles and more. We can not thank you enough for sharing this site with your friends and fa

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7th Anniversary “After Party” continues with more games, contests and prizes!

Tomorrow I will heavily be on facebook. I will be announcing different contests, if you join in the fun and participate who knows- you can win BIG!  If you are not a facebook fan.. I suggest you join us/ "like" us because for the next month long party... being "connected" is

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Okay… let the anniversary games begin!!!

Today will be a twitter day- so if you haven't "followed" me on twitter- do so now.  I will be posting contests and trivia etc. Will be very easy to win! You just need to follow and have fun! Please RT, or share with your friends! The more the merrier!  *hint... this

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A Lesson in Adapting from my Dog

A Lesson in Adapting from my Dog

I learned a few lessons in the past few years about "adapting" and believe it or not I learned some of it from walking my dog, Sparky. A very long story short-- my puppy broke his little leg when I first got him. Now you would look at him and never know the difference. He jumps, walks, licks and run

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Press Release: health blog celebrates 7 years on the web!

Press Release: health blog celebrates 7 years on the web!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Wednesday, July 28, 2010 announces its 7 year anniversary “after party” celebration  New York, NY, July 28, 2010 –, an online magazine for those dealing with “invisible” chronic illnesses announces its 7 year an

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Movie Review:

Movie Review: “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”

I don't quite fit the definition of a "Twihard", a person completely obsessed with all things "Twilight", but I have read all the books and have seen the first two movies multiple times apiece. "Eclipse" is the third film in the series so far. I saw it at the theatre with a friend and her mom the da

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Christine Miserandino and

Christine Miserandino and “The Spoon Theory” are one of the 2010 BlogHer Voices of the Year!

I am proud to announce that Christine Miserandino and is a finalist in the "Life" category for the 2010 BlogHer Voices of the Year! This year expanded the Community Keynote concept to shine a spotlight on even more great work. That means that we are one of 90 f

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