Another Product Recall? Ugh. Children’s Benadryl

Even though this is a children's product, I wanted to list it here for 2 reasons. 1. Many of our readers are parents and could use the info. 2. This is just another reminder to stay "in the know" about your medications, side effects, and yes even over the counter meds, or vitamins. Here is the re

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Historic and Hopeful Day for Patients living with Lupus - FDA Advisory Committee’s Recommendation to Approve Benlysta for Lupus

Historic and Hopeful Day for Patients living with Lupus – FDA Advisory Committee’s Recommendation to Approve Benlysta for Lupus

The U.S. FDA Arthritis Advisory Committee voted 13 to 2 to recommend approvalof the treatment developed by Human Genome Sciences (HGS) and GlaxoSmithKline Tuesday, November 16, 2010 The Lupus Research Institute (LRI) and its National Coalition of state and local lupus organizations are pleased wit

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Introducing the Official “The Spoon Theory/ I am a Spoonie” Video by Christine Miserandino

Introducing the Official “The Spoon Theory/ I am a Spoonie” Video by Christine Miserandino

A slide show movie of my life, how "the spoon theory" started, and how this HUGE internet community has been formed around the world to give support, encouragement and information by using and #spoonie to connect. This has been an incredible ride! THANK YOU! PLEASE share th

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On November 7th Don’t forget to set your clocks BACK 1 hour and check yourself too!

Hi Everyone, If you are anything like me you forget things easily. So I started a habit when twice a year on daylight savings day, not only do I use the time to obviously set our clocks back one hour. But I use this as a reminder for a "1 hour" check of myself, and my home etc. too. Only spe

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Twentysomethings and Lupus - A New Generation of Friendship and Fundraising

Twentysomethings and Lupus – A New Generation of Friendship and Fundraising

Back in June I received a facebook message that changed my life.  My friend from high school, Jessica Glazer, sent me the following: “I have an idea I want to talk to you about.  I was thinking of having a party to raise money to contribute to your Lupus fundraising efforts.  It could be a pla

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Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to Hold Hearing on BENLYSTA® on November 16th

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to Hold Hearing on BENLYSTA® on November 16th

On November 16, 2010, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will hold a hearing to discuss the application to approve BENLYSTA® (belimumab) as a treatment to reduce disease activity in adults with active, autoantibody-positive lupus. If approved, BENLYSTA® will be the first drug to be specif

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Important Product Recall: Tylenol 8 hour caplets

Important Product Recall: Tylenol 8 hour caplets

Product Recall: On October 19, 2010 McNeil Consumer Healthcare, the company behind Tylenol, has issued a voluntary recall of 128,000 bottles of Tylenol 8-Hour caplets after receiving a small amount of complaints of a musty odor smelled upon opening bottles. Tylenol has narrowed such smell to the wo

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Quote of the Day: Let Go Of Anger and Hold on to Happiness

Hey Spoonies, Just for today try and let go of anger and hold on to happiness. Sometimes I need to be reminded to "loosen my fists" and when I do, I read this quote: "You can't shake hands with a clenched fist." -- Indira Ghandi Love and spoons, Christine

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Sick Humor: 7 Things NOT to Do When You are Depressed

Sick Humor: 7 Things NOT to Do When You are Depressed

We all have been there. It is 2am, you can't sleep, you have a lot on your mind... and let's face facts- you are depressed. After doing all of the wrong things to combat depression, I thought I would pass on some of my knowledge to you. Hopefully you can find better things to do with your time at 2a

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The Story Behind the Giant Spoon: A Letter from a Mother Who Met Christine

The Story Behind the Giant Spoon: A Letter from a Mother Who Met Christine

It was a dream come true for me to personally meet Christine after reading “The Spoon Theory” a little over a year ago. It was one Sunday morning when my adult daughter, Carly carried in her laptop to the kitchen table where I was reading the Sunday paper and told me to read “The Spoon Theory.

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