Nick Cannon announces he has a “lupus-like” condition and we wish him our best, but what exactly does “lupus-like” mean?


Nick Cannon says he has a “lupus-like” condition according to many sources including people magazine. It does explain the recent health problems, but why cant stars ever come out and just say they have lupus. Why does it have to be “pre-lupus”, kinda -like-lupus, or borderline lupus? Is that like being half pregnant? I don’t mean to start a big old debate, by all means everyone deserves privacy if they choose. But if they “let the cat out of the bag” a little, then why not all the way?I just find it frustrating when someone with a certain level of “celebrity” has the ability to bring awareness and hope to so many, that they have to hide behind generic phrases that never really point to a true diagnosis. Last year this debate started when Lady Ga Ga used the term “borderline lupus”. nick cannon


By all means, I wish anyone dealing with any chronic auto immune condition the best. I know from the news stories that Nick’s condition is and was serious, and I can’t imagine adding to the situation being a new parent of twins.  I wish him the the best on his road to better health and a new understanding of his life as a celebrity with a chronic illness, and as a patient just like the rest of us.,,20575275,00.html

How do you guys feel about stars the past few years who kinda, sorta, have something like an auto immune disease? Comment below.

written by Christine Miserandino


  • I disagree that celebrities should be responsible for raising the profile of a medical condition. Nick doesn’t owe anything to the lupus community just because he is a celebrity. No person with lupus owes the lupus community anything. Who are you, or who is anyone, to assign this responsibility, anyway?

    No one with an illness should be told to disclose it, or told how to disclose it. People with invisible illnesses are burdened enough with pressures to make or to not make those choices. This website is a very strange, ironic and unfortunate place to find more of that pressure.

    I’m not sure why you’re calling him out: “ever come out and just say they have lupus.” Maybe he really DOES have a “lupus-like” condition and NOT lupus, like you have deduced he is concealing, or maybe he figured “lupus-like” would be a more easily understood description than a description of a vague, rare auto-immune disease that perhaps no one has heard of or would understand as much. 

    I figured this website was meant to be an escape for people with invisible disabilities whose peers, relatives, neighbours, etc. have speculated about their health. A very common, hurtful, ignorant practice. But now it seems you are condoning this speculation — even encouraging it. Why? Because Nick Cannon is a celebrity? Because lupus awareness is lacking?

    If you are suggesting that Nick is avoiding saying he has lupus because of a stigma attached to the condition, that’s based on assumption. How can we judge someone’s decisions based only on assumption? And so what if Nick is afraid of stigma? I figured you would understand that choice to avoid disclosure and be sensitive to the fear stigma can bring. If stigma is the root of the issue, the theme of this post, then call out society for creating that stigma. Don’t call out Nick for being a product of it — if stigma even has anything to do with this. We don’t know. 

    I don’t understand the judgment and assumption in this post. It seems to be opposite to everything this website stands for.

  • Snugs1 for more on Autoimmune Diseases.

  • Bev Gibson

    Perhaps those persons who do not declare that they have lupus cannot emotionally accept the possible ramifications of an auto immune disease. Those of us with lupus (particularly systemic lupus)  should be aware that there are varying degrees of lupus. Some persons have few ramifications, and others die a short time after diagnosis. The majority of us; however, fall within the broad area between those extremities.   

  • I have a chronic auto-immune disorder of the bile ducts in my liver. It’s called Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. I was diagnosed after 8 months of testing, procedures, seeing different specialists. That 8 months was frustrating and difficult; it was 6 years ago this February since I received the diagnosis. The bile ducts in my liver harden on the outside and become inflamed on the inside, and become blocked so that they look like a strand of pearls. The bile, which cleans toxins out of my liver, doesn’t do its job and in fact backs up and causes cirrhosis. When you are very, very sick, you become eligible for a liver transplant. The shortage of organ donors means that some people with PSC don’t have that happy ending. They die. There are a lot of symptoms that pile on as the disease progresses. I now have trouble eating very much because of nausea and digestive symptoms brought on by the liver’s dysfunction. But the worst symptom is fatigue. Like Christine’s Spoon Theory, I have so many spoons each day. And sometimes I don’t know until I get moving (very, very slowly) in the morning how many I really have. I get the “but you don’t look sick” comment frequently.

    As far as Nick Cannon saying he has a lupus-like condition, I can understand how he would do that. He may be still in denial and not feeling that bad yet either. The doctors may not have conclusive evidence, they feel, to say “you have lupus.” His agent may be encouraging this kind of statement so he can keep on working. It’s hard to say. But it was such a big moment for my GI to conclusively make my diagnosis, that he was smiling as he said it. I fired him. But then I had to start making the adjustment to the diagnosis, which was very difficult. Bless you, Christine, for starting and maintaining this blog.

  • Cherbear

    Its not just celebrities who shy away from exposing themselves to an all-out admission to an auto immune diagnosis. There are plenty of people in the “normal” world who do that too. There is just so much misunderstanding about the word “immune”. People are so afraid that once that word is touted, they will be accused of sleeping around, being homosexual, of having HIV/AIDS. Which is why it is so important for some one in a celebrity status to be unafraid of announcing their diagnosis and explaining to the world what Lupus (or any auto immune disease) is really all about. I have so many people who think that treating my immune deficiency (PIDD w/T cell dysfunction) is just like treating an AIDS patient. But it is very different. And it is hard to explain to someone who has heard so much about AIDS and nothing about auto immune.

  • Itsbetsy

     Christine DID ask how we felt about it rather than “How many agree with me?”

  • Brigitte

    On the one hand, I understand how you could feel cheated in this situation. However, being told that I have a lupus-like condition, an arthritis-like condition, fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue being called a “lupus-like condition” for the first two years of treatment, I just think you’re being mad at the wrong person. The issue here isn’t that celebrities lie or try to deny their illnesses as they ask for understanding and sympathy. The issue is that people are given these types of “just-like-this-other-thing-but-not” diagnoses all the time. The issue is that not everyone who has been diagnosed with lupus has it, and and not everyone who has it has been diagnosed. It’s like getting mad because a cat thinks it’s a dog because it’s been told it’s a dog.

    And really, if someone isn’t ready to talk about the details of their personal medical mysteries, I don’t think it’s within your rights to criticize them for that. You’d probably be just as ready to criticize them for saying “lupus” when they later say “it’s really fibromyalgia.”

  • Jenn

    Wow!  I didn’t know that about MJ.  That does explain a lot!

  • lupineladyc

    I thought he grossly underplayed the seriousnessness of lupus.  He said it was “going to be easy” and that he felt “great”.  We’ve all worked so hard to build awareness for this disease and it felt like he gave me, and all of us, the middle finger.  I was diagnosed in 2009 and these few years have been anything but easy, and I certainly don’t feel great.  If you want to raise awareness, call it by its real name, otherwise what are you raising awareness for, aside from maybe yourself? If you want to keep your life private, then by all means do so, I totally understand that, but don’t spout half-truths and half-insults and brand it as “advocacy”.  When I ranted to my boyfriend about all of this, he reminded me that when I was first diagnosed, I also thought it wasn’t going to be a big deal and that everything would be fine.  He said to check back in with Nick Cannon in 6 months and see what he says, that he’d probably change his tune.  I’m trying to cut him a little slack, he is just a person after all, but I think he should have educated himself a little more before speaking on national television. Hopefully he’ll turn this around and become the advocate we all need him to be, and in the meantime I do hope he gets better.

  • Lpaka99

    Honestly, it could be as straight forward as not having a clear and concise diagnosis. Lupus isnt black and white nor clear cut. Some people have lupus symptoms for years before it shows up conclusively in blood work. Maybe he is nottrying to hide anything…maybe its just not clearwhat the diagnosis is, but it appears to be lupus.

  • tfaith

    Well, I’m new here, but this caught my eye for several reasons.  First of all, I was diagnosed with MS over 11 yrs ago and since that time have now also  been diagnosed w/autoimmune thyroid (not formal name) and believe it or not, I am also ‘borderline’ lupus.   In other words, sometimes my numbers in the lupus’ish’ range  and other times they are not (right outside of it).  My rhematologist explained it by saying that many people ‘hover’ in this area for some time (about 5-6 yrs for me) and then down the road be ‘officially diagnosed’.  He said the good thing about this type of lupus is that it usually only affects the joints and skin (not the organs) -have to be thankful for the little things.  So, I just wanted to throw my 2cents in.  Thanks for the forum.

  • nova9sw

    I think many celebrities tend to be in denial about their health problems. More than the rest of us. It may be that they think that actually saying that they have a particular disease or condition might adversely impact their image or ability to find work. They should consider the greater good they can do by shedding more light on the condition or disease they share with others. 

  • Ktdeo

    You said it perfectly.  I also have m.c.t.d., or atypical lupus,RA and fibromyalgia, plus a few others thrown in.  I think it is a bit ridiculous to get up on the name, lets just pray for a cure.

  • Lmscagain

    Maybe he has Behcets and the correct diagnosis has not been made yet? There are plenty of autoimmune diseases that are like Lupus – but aren’t lupus.

  • Deborah

    Excuse sum misspelled words forgot to spell-check .

  • Deborah

    Christine ,I feel the same way ,the terms he used Lupus-Like either you do or you dont.he needs to really face reality we all did at one time or another about are health.Having Sarc myself.Most of the tome family and dont want to talk understanding, this guy needs to do sum research about his Lupus-Like diesease,Will keep this web site in prayer as always.

  • xSassySusiex

    My sentiments exactly though he has gone on to explain what he has exactly. Perhaps he, like the rest of us, was simply repeating what his doctors told him at the time. For some reason, no matter how obvious it is, some doctors just do not like to commit to a lupus diagnosis. I’ve never seen a diagnosed disease become a not-diagnosed disease like lupus is. When you’re in a flare you have lupus. When you’re in remission….welllllll…..maybe you really don’t have lupus. smdh. I’ve had my diagnosis given and taken so many times I can’t count anymore. So maybe these celebs are having the same difficulties so many of us have had too.

  • I wanted to put up the update on this topic. Nick Cannon was on Good Morning America, Extra, and Access Hollywood today where he did discuss his health issues. He also said he has Lupus Nephritis and goes into detail about how this has change his life and the changes he has had to make.

  • Megan

    I have a “lupus-like” disease: Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. I tell people I have a “lupus-y” thing because they wouldn’t know what MCTD is. Who says he actually has Lupus? I think you’re really off the point on this one.

  • Fedoriarty Scott

    It’s got to be rough having any sort of autoimmune condition and being in the public eye. People will hear “autoimmune” and jump immediately to the world’s most well-known autoimmune disease. There’s still a tremendous amount of ignorance surrounding lupus, arthritis, fibro, and other autoimmune diseases; until there’s more education– and until people want to hear it– those whose careers depend on their adoring public may choose to be a little more careful.

  • Luvacinnimongirl

    I agree with you. Dealing with a potentially life threatening disease is hard enough, but having people try to tell you how you SHOULD deal with this situation is adding insult to injury. 
    I’m not a celebrity, but it was HARD for me to wrap my head around what was happening to my body, my family, my career, and difficult to get a clear diagnosis. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to have people I don’t know demanding I be their poster-person for a disease I didn’t yet understand myself. Lupus is difficult because lupus can be severe or lupus can be vague – that’s why they call it the “Great Imitator”. In my case, it is SEVERE most of the time then I get a respite (but not for long). 
    Either way, it’s difficult to tell your employers/backers that you have a disease that will now be the main focus of your life for a while. It’s hard to look your children in the face and say, “I don’t know what’s going t happen, but we have to make changes”. I’ve been there….and wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

  • Crystal Morgan

     If you’re in the public eye, I guess it’s different. People who back your shows and endorsements may not think you’re ‘bankable’ or ‘dependable’. Frankly, if you have lupus – you may not be dependable (I’m not). So, I understand if people want to keep it secret, then there’s the whole:” I’m asking how you are to be polite, but I don’t really want to know” slant on it. I live my life in the open, but I try not to burden those who really don’t want to know (or need to know because they have their own problems). I’ll say this: It was an eye opener to me that Michael Jackson had battled Lupus since 1985 and kept it quiet the whole time. It explains alot… The suffering can’t really be explained anyway.

  • Lisa Williams

    Christine, I like you was not happy at all about hearing him use the term, “lupus-like”, it is lupus!!!! I was sharing how I felt with some friends and how I also hate when it seems celebrities for whatever reasons are not reliable advocates for this disease. Yes, it could be the way it was explained by a doctor, possibly, but it is very frustrating for me someone who basically has the same diagnosis to hear someone speak on it and not give correct information. I heard Nick Cannon say that he had a rare form of lupus called lupus nephritis! I was like, what? There is nothing rare about it!!!!!! OMG, I was so frustrated, I just wanted to call Good Morning America and set the record straight!

  • Amy

    I’ve always been a klutz, but instead of breaking bones, I sprained joints – resulting in what they used to call “traumatic arthritis” in the ones I’d damaged. I was told it was because my joints were “loose” & this was proven by how flexible I was despite my size. I could never run & I always had to rest when I went for long walks, but it was never from being winded; it was b/c my legs ached after a while. You’d think walking up & down steep hills at least twice daily would have made them stronger, but I couldn’t easily stand to pedal a bike, it took me a couple years to get riding it down pat, it took 5 years for me to learn to skate & I had to use what they called “shoe skates” back then because my ankles were too weak for the kind you just plopped on the bottom of your shoes…..I did learn to dance some on them; I picked up ice skating a bit faster; skiing was an unmitigated DISASTER (I think they had a party after I left…long story). I took Judo so I could learn to fall w/o killing myself (it did end up strengthening my legs, but that might had been more the 4 stories up that I had to go in an old building w/ 12 ft ceilings!) I was always great at swimming (blubber floats) – it’s not weight bearing. From the lifelong migraines, irritable bowel/bladder, Hashimoto’s, TMD, I moved on to dandruff (ended up being scalp psoriasis) & some weird whitish spots on the skin from time to time (thought it was eczema but it’s apparently psoriasis, too), peripheral neuropathy WITHOUT DIABETES (a familial thing that no doctor has bothered tracing) when I was in my mid-30s, & in 1984, I was told I had lupus due to, after 6 months of one case of bronchitis & sinusitis after another, that the joint pain I’d developed wasn’t anything else they’d tested for (like RA), & that I had an elevated ANA. Between then & 2003, the doctors would go in a cycle: Lupus, no not lulpus but RA, no, not RA, you’re nuts/we don’t know what’s wrong, to “why didn’t you say you’d had an elevated ANA before (I had), you have lupus,” repeat.
    To this day, put me in the sun (even indirect, winter , or seriously behind the clouds sun) & my whole body will ache – bones, joints, head, eyes, skin; the breeze or the rubbing of clothing (no matter how loose/soft) against my skin will HURT. I will end up with a “butterfly rash” & be that way for DAYS. So, now I have “fibromyalgia with lupus-like symptoms.”
    Yeah, kinda mixed up & vague, like most of medicine, especially when it comes to finding out what they might be able to do to get rid of it! Then there’s no mixup: With all due respect to the horror of AIDS, it gets the lion’s share of research money & is largely preventable – unlike autoimmune diseases, which affect mostly women & are spreading like wildfire, costing the healthcare system money, costing companies in productivity, costing the taxpayer in disability payments & associated benefits that some need just to survive fiscally. Let’s not forget the cost of medical equipment & supplies. It seems to me that any country that doesn’t realize how much it costs to have all these sick people. They don’t “get” that many employers won’t hire someone with a chronic illness, nor that, even if they don’t know what’s wrong with you, a certain level of use of insurance benefits triggers them to watch you – because as your use increases, the insurance company increases the employer’s part of the insurance bill – which is sizeable. They then figure that something is amiss. With today’s healthcare costs, self-pay gets unmanageable. Pretty soon, they’re trying to make your life miserable &/or find something on you that they can use to fire you. Leaving/quitting or being fired means you don’t get unemployment, so they’re off the hook for that. ADA accommodations?? Are you KIDDING me??? All they have to say is that it costs too much/would decrease morale/would decrease quality, & they’re off the hook – the disabled person has to prove they lied. Win, & you get the accommodation, but your life will be a misery. Yet, with all this, the powers that be have decided we won’t fund any research that doesn’t pretty much place the blame for the illness on the patient.
    Kinda makes me wonder if that conspiracy theorist is right about the increase in everything from fibro & ME/CFS to Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s – the science seems sound, & it would explain a lot. Why do research that would prove a conspiracy theory? (If you’re interested, check out
    Lupus is the most famous disease known for generalized connective tissue disorders. After a lot of relative obscurity, Lupus & MS have become better known. Any symptoms that approximate either them or RA are going to be used to describe any connective tissue disorder. That’s a positive, in a way. Maybe someday, the conditions the rest of us have will be familiar & people with ME/CFS & fibro won’t be treated like hypochondriacs. We can always hope.

  • Springdot7

    Just a word in support of jackrabbitslims. I understood what you were saying and you did not deserve that reply.

  • Aimie

    I have Sjogrens, MS and fibro now the doctor finally says their is hip pain. So there is a possibility of adding another auto immune disease to my list Lupus or RA. I have had both test come back positive. It is so hard to different which one is which when you have the test the doctor says so manys time comes out as a week positive. So for me it is live moment at time. Take of care of myself. I do not believe celebrity should come come out say Lupus like. It can really increase the difficulty for patients when the doctor says it them or the patient is doubting it. I went through it with my MS for over year it was early MS possbile maybe not but they had anit itch drugs 4 of them to counter out the interferon and then Tysabri now Gilynea. So now it is MS with lesions through the brain. Just had MRI down now there might enhancing lesions we will see. Keep on going spoonies

  • True, my father has renal failure, but his kidneys work well enough that he doesn’t need dialysis, yet. It started in 2000 and has progressed slowly.

  • I wondered when I heard that, combined with what I’d heard about his blood clots, if what he had was anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome. In addition to commonly overlapping with Lupus, one of the tests for it is misnamed Lupus Anticoagulant. For someone just dealing with an intense new illness, he might have been a bit fuzzy on the details himself.

    As for mild kidney failure, that’s what my father-in-law’s doctors, including a nephrologist, told him he had. Apparently, “failure” is not always an absolute when it comes to kidneys or congestive heart issues. My FIL doesn’t need dialysis (yet), but he’s got some pretty serious kidney impairment going on that they termed mild kidney failure.

  • Perhaps doctors no longer use the term “undifferentiated connective tissue disease”? That’s what I was told I had until a lip biopsy led to a diagnosis of primary Sjogren’s syndrome, which has many symptoms in common with lupus. Maybe Nick’s doctor was being vague rather than telling him “we don’t know what you have yet”. Some doctors are reluctant to give a definitive diagnosis because they don’t want to freak out their patient. Although from what Nick has gone through already, I’m sure he’s had plenty of occasion to freak out, and a specific diagnosis might come as a relief. I know I was able to adjust to my ailments a lot better once I knew what the heck they were.

  • I agree that Nick and Gaga should use their celebrity to bring recognition and possibly more funding to research of the “Lupus Like” diseases.  I have several overlapping auto immune problems that was originally diagnosed as Lupus when I was a teen.  Now I know that I have Systemic Sclerosis Scleroderma among a few other AI disorders.   But if a celebrity posted that they had something like that the public would look up scleroderma and say “Oh he has a skin condition”.  I actually have my immune system attacking my heart, lungs and kidneys.  

  • Carol Adams

    In total agreement with you. Drives me nuts when they do this!!

  • Angie_Stl

    I have been told a couple times that I do not have lupus, and I completely agree with Christine. If you are celebrity and choose to disclose personal information to the public (which I believe is their choice, they don’t owe it to us by any means), then stand behind what you disclose with 100% certainty, however you have to do that. If he’s certain he has lupus, then say that, if he’s not certain then say an undetermined autoimmune disease or just an autoimmune disease. It is unfair to people that do have lupus to use their disease as if it were no more serious than the flu. (Thanks Steph) From where I stand, from what I’ve experienced, lupus is deathly serious. Not to ever be taken as a joke or to use as someone’s PR helper.

  • michelle

    I can understand the lupus like comment. I have Sjogrens Syndrome and I tell them its like lupus because it doesnt just effect the salivary glands like everyone thinks, it can be systemic. ((hugs))) to all my fellow spoonies! 🙂

  • Xumom123

    All I can say is ditto and AMEN!

  • Jerzymomob

    I can’t believe this is still an issue lupus like is just that it’s not lupus but has similar symptoms . Auto immune diseases are so similar but yet so different . Believe me I have MCTD so I understand one of my diagnosis is lupus to buy I’m sure his doctor said you have an auto immune disorder sort of like lupus . What is wrong if he said oh I have lupus and then it really wasn’t actually lupus we would be bashing him gor that. I personally hoPe whatever it is he gets better.

  • jackrabbitslims

    I see you blindly defending one of your heroes.  Why?  Well, first, nothing I expressed could ever be understood as jealousy unless someone didn’t know what being jealous actually means.  Second, I’m actually not grieving, nor am I angry about my disorder.  I’m discussing a topic and expressing my feelings on that topic, and that topic alone.  Lastly, I don’t know if you understood anything in my comment because I also didn’t say anything about Christine’s disorder, nor claim that I knew anything about it.  In fact, I did the opposite… which makes your comment all the less understandable.  I was asking whether she would like to be told how to define her own disorder.  That’s the complete opposite of what you are accusing me.

    The majority of your comment doesn’t make sense as a reply to mine.  Additionally, if you can’t consider an opinion that doesn’t already line up with your views, you’re the one with the problem.

  • Kahles68

    I don’t think this type of disclosure is in any way being ashamed of having lupus, I just think there has not been a definitive diagnosis yet.  I have to tell my friend and family a similar diagnosis because my symptoms are lupus-like and I have blood results with a low positive for lupus, but the only definitive diagnosis I have received is Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder with Peripheral Neuropathy.

  • Southernshugah

    I don’ understand why they seem to feel ashamed that they have lupus.  It’s like it is taboo to say the word.. 

  • Tammy Myers35

    Everyone who has an illness of any kind deals with it in a different way. Since we don’t have their medical records, and since autoimmune diseases can sometimes take years to properly diagnose, and since we do not know how a concrete diagnosis could affect their ability to work (some employers still hesitate to hire a person they feel may not be up to dealing with the rigors of the job). I feel its in incredibly poor taste to judge anyone for hesitating to speak out about their own medical condition be it autoimmune disease, neurological condition, or cancer. It would be lovely if celebrities all felt comfortable saying exactly what they have and using that diagnosis to further research and public awareness, however it is a very personal and private decision and should be respected as such.

  • I think in some ways, celebrities do want to be vague, which is certainly their right since they don’t “owe” us full disclosure.  Of course like knowing more details, because it makes me feel like those of us battling autoimmune illness are part of a big family. I love reading stories of people living full and vibrant lives despite their illnesses. That said, there is so much overlap among the various autoimmune illnesses, so perhaps as others have said, even the doctors aren’t 100% sure.  I know over the years my diagnosis has changed slightly.  When I was first diagnosed at age two, my initial diagnosis was lupus since I test positive for antinuclear antibodies rather than rheumatoid factor.  Later, a specialist determined that I had one of the more rare types of juvenile ideopathic arthritis instead.  So I do understand that sometimes a diagnosis can fall into a gray area.  

  • GranDeedee

    to Jackrabbitslims:  Wow, you certainly are very passionate, unkind, and assuming person and maybe a little jealous?  You then must be in the anger stage of grief… well, I can’t say that because I don’t have all the information of your condition like you don’t have all the information of Christine’s . You missed an opportunity to educate others. 
     Would you mind telling me what Behcet’s is? and please be respectful.

  • jackrabbitslims

    Because I don’t have Behcet’s.  I have something Behcet’s-like.  None of my doctors have ever been able to identify exactly what I have, therefore, they have identified a disorder to which mine is similar.

    Accusing ANYONE of not using the language YOU want them to use is completely inappropriate.  It doesn’t matter if they’re a celebrity or not.  It’s even worse in a case where YOU want it for your own gain.  Would you like it if someone told you that you had to explain your disease in a certain way?

  • Kbear9

    Kind of like Paula Abdul who has Rsd but can’t bring awareness to the monster of a disease that so many of us live with. I understand keeping stuff private. It if you are going to say you have a disease and you are a celebrity then take the time to raise awareness

  • Just Me

    I have Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disorder or Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder depending on which specialist I listen to.  Both have described the conditions as “Lupus-like”.  In reality, they are both overlap syndromes that include Lupus and other AI’s.  I think the “Lupus like” tag is used because it is more recognizable than the actual name of whatever is technically going on. 

  • Claire_page

    I read this on the People magazine site and like you wondered what “lupus-like” meant.  But then I thought that it is probably the way it has been described to him by the doctors, and I don’t think he is in any way holding back, just repeating what has been said to him, or simplifying it as it may not be a straight-forward diagnosis.

  • Rowantree

    So many rheumatologists that I’ve spoken with describe my Sjogren’s as ‘like Lupus’ or ‘it’s a close cousin to Lupus’. So if I hear someone say ‘lupus like’, I know it’s not Lupus but another auto immune disease that’s similar in symptoms. An auto immune disease doesn’t always mean it’s Lupus.

  • Krtaveras

    I think this is the fault of the doc’s. I have the lupus antibodies and gluten antibodies-but was told I don’t have enough ‘evidence to diagnose either condition” so my diagnosis (from other tests) is chronic fatigue immunce dysfunction syndrome and gluten intolerance.  So my guess is that he maybe met 3 criteria not four. 

  • Trents1gramma

     My Rheumy won’t diagnose me with Lupus. He says I have “boarderline” Lupus. WTH??? I either have it or I don’t…simple as that. There must be a doctor out there that can diagnose me. Maybe one day I will find one.

  • I will admit my first thought was “lupus-like?!!” But then again, I had the same thoughts with his “mild kidney failure.”

    Truly and honestly, though, I’m not sure I’d want my private health information being bandied about either, so if it came down to my saying I have a “chronic pain condition” instead of the specific disease Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, I don’t think anyone could fault me for it.

  • Libbyc17

    Toni Braxton revealed on the reality show “The Braxtons” that she is battling Lupus. I applaud her for being so open. She even allowed taping of doctors appointment where they were checking her heart by echocardiogram. Cudos to her for being so open about this crappy illness. I wish her all the best.