Happy Hanukkah!


May the lights of Hanukkah usher in a better world for all humankind. ~Author Unknown

Wishing all of our butyoudontlooksick.com readers, friends and family celebrating Hanukkah a very happy holiday!



Just for fun, for those crafty moms check out this spoon menorah craft.

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  • What an awesome idea. I love how we learn to use our spoons. ! LOL Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!!! We are truly blessed. Thank you for this site.

  • Happy Chanukah, to my “spoonie” friends that celebrate the holiday. Great spoon menorah, what a wonderful craft. 🙂

  • Jacquie Klockow

    I like the Spoon Menorah! Thanks for a clever way to include children. Happy Hanukkah!